Gateway To Product Reviews => Pellet Reviews => : longislandhunter October 29, 2006, 09:21:57 AM
I finally got a chance today to try out the Gamo Tomahawk pellets in my S1k and CFX. I don't own a chrony, not yet anyway, so I can't provide any data on pellet speed. This review simply reports the accuracy of the pellets in my rifles, which in a single work would be "Outstanding".
I fired 10 shot groups from 25 yards while seated at my shooting bench. The grouping from the S1k was dead center bullseye and a little smaller than a quarter. The group from the CFX was also dead center bullseye but tighter than the S1K, winding up being the size of a nickel.
As I noted in a previous review of the JSB Predator pellets, my S1k and CFX scopes are already set for the pellets favored by those rifles however when I tested the Predators I found them to shoot "dead on" without having to make any scope adjustments. Todays test showed the same result with the Tomahawks.
I bought the Tomahawks because they appeared to be a Predator type "clone" pointed hollow point, and they were cheap (750 for 8 bucks), so I figured I'd order a tin and see how they flew. Now I know. I don't know how they will perform on small game or birds, but I hope to test them out on living targets within the next day or so. I'll report my results. Considering how accurate they are, if they perform effectively on small game they would be a good cheap hunting pellet.
Question Jeff
Where did you find those pellets at that price..:) "Gamo Tomahawk"
Got them at Pyramydair
I'm really looking forward to trying them out on some starlings or pigeons, may have to take a trip to the duck farm tomorrow afternoon and shoot at some critters. If they perform well, at that price I'll buy 4 more tins.
Thanks Jeff
I was reading a reveiw on the Samatra tonight and found an article on the JSB Predators. Here is the link, you might like the read.
Thanks for the link to the article Gene, very good reading. I just wish I had rabbits that big where I live :(
Then again, if a predator can kill one of those giant rabbits it should have no problem with the "runts" that live in my neck of the woods.
Thats what I was thinking...:)
Hay Jeff,
I think if you wern't such a good shot, a couple of those critters might just get that big !
If they lived long enough !
And beside, if they were that big, it would be "like shopping" ! :D
Just a thought ?
Bill :)
Jeff, I was thinking of picking some of those up myself. I've got the Predators .177 , I save them for the possums and raccoons. My dad,s got some fox's after his chickens, and it,s time for some big game trophy's so to speak. Keep us posted on it's perfomance . I got my chrony , but am taking my time setting it up, making a permenant chrony range for it. Nice B26-2 PICS TOO. :) HUNTING ED
I do the same thing,,, I try and save the predator pellets for my regular small game hunting and use othe pellets on starlings, pigeons, etc...
The Tomahawks shoot well out of most of my guns and I've used them to take quite a few starlings and pigeons.
Bill, as for those giant rabbits,,,, closest thing for me in my neck of the woods would be snowshoe hares, but I'd have to drive several hours up to the Catskill Mountains in Upstate NY to have a chance at them and I've gotten to used to hunting down the street from my house. I'd also love to get out west someday and try shootin those jack rabbits that I see all the pictures of. Oh well, maybe someday.
Jeff, we got some Jacks here too, not as many as there used to be but if we take alittle drive towards the Black Hills we'll get em. So should I be expecting you for dinner. LOL :D Fresh snow last night so bring your snow shoe's. Ed