GTA Regional Shooting Events => FortWorth Texas Shooting Events Discussion => : crgintx November 19, 2008, 08:30:27 AM

: New website for Yegua Airgun Club
: crgintx November 19, 2008, 08:30:27 AM
A couple of our club members have put together a new website for the club:

We will also be shooting on the 7th of December instead of the 14th to relieve some holiday chaos ...I mean travel.l
: Re: New website for Yegua Airgun Club
: Gene_SC November 19, 2008, 01:28:04 PM

Hey Carlos, that is great news. I looked at the site and it is great with directions and other amenities. Maybe they would like to swap links with us? I would also consider putting up another Texas Shooting Discussion Forum for that area of Texas.


: Re: New website for Yegua Airgun Club
: crgintx November 19, 2008, 02:22:42 PM
We can add you guys to the links no problem.   We'd really like to see maximum in state participation this year at both the Republic of Texas Airgun Round-Up and the US Airgun Field Target Nationals.   I'll forward your response to our webmaster.    I know that there's a lot of other shooters over here on the GTA who don't use the Delphi or Yellow Forums.
: Re: New website for Yegua Airgun Club
: DanoInTx November 22, 2008, 12:25:26 AM
New site looks good.  I swear I'll load up the family SUV and make the drive down there for a weekend, especially now that the price of gas has eased up.
: Re: New website for Yegua Airgun Club
: crgintx November 23, 2008, 01:06:25 PM
Our next match is on the 7th of Dec.    Hope to see you there.
: Re: New website for Yegua Airgun Club
: DanoInTx November 24, 2008, 01:02:18 PM
crgintx - 11/23/2008  8:06 PM

Our next match is on the 7th of Dec.    Hope to see you there.

Sunday the 7th eh?  Maybe I can find a way out of Fort Worth that weekend, we shall see:)
: Re: New website for Yegua Airgun Club
: crgintx December 31, 2008, 05:03:42 AM
Dano, our next match is on the 11th  of January and the RoT Roundup is only 9 weeks away.   I hope to see you and some NTAM guys this year for the the RoT match at least.
: Re: New website for Yegua Airgun Club
: DanoInTx January 01, 2009, 07:09:37 AM
I'm going to try to make one at some point, but Christmas and the car in the shop bill has made it outside of my budget for a little while.  Did you check out the NTAGM shootout we are holding in April?  See posts below for details.  I know you guys shoot Sundays, but we are shooting Saturday and Sunday, so if you wanted to attend both it would be possible.
: Re: New website for Yegua Airgun Club
: Mike Lykins January 23, 2009, 10:13:57 AM
Good looking site
Nice job