GTA Regional Shooting Events => FortWorth Texas Shooting Events Discussion => : crgintx November 19, 2008, 08:30:27 AM
A couple of our club members have put together a new website for the club:
We will also be shooting on the 7th of December instead of the 14th to relieve some holiday chaos ...I mean travel.l
Hey Carlos, that is great news. I looked at the site and it is great with directions and other amenities. Maybe they would like to swap links with us? I would also consider putting up another Texas Shooting Discussion Forum for that area of Texas.
We can add you guys to the links no problem. We'd really like to see maximum in state participation this year at both the Republic of Texas Airgun Round-Up and the US Airgun Field Target Nationals. I'll forward your response to our webmaster. I know that there's a lot of other shooters over here on the GTA who don't use the Delphi or Yellow Forums.
New site looks good. I swear I'll load up the family SUV and make the drive down there for a weekend, especially now that the price of gas has eased up.
Our next match is on the 7th of Dec. Hope to see you there.
crgintx - 11/23/2008 8:06 PM
Our next match is on the 7th of Dec. Hope to see you there.
Sunday the 7th eh? Maybe I can find a way out of Fort Worth that weekend, we shall see:)
Dano, our next match is on the 11th of January and the RoT Roundup is only 9 weeks away. I hope to see you and some NTAM guys this year for the the RoT match at least.
I'm going to try to make one at some point, but Christmas and the car in the shop bill has made it outside of my budget for a little while. Did you check out the NTAGM shootout we are holding in April? See posts below for details. I know you guys shoot Sundays, but we are shooting Saturday and Sunday, so if you wanted to attend both it would be possible.
Good looking site
Nice job