GTA Regional Shooting Events => FortWorth Texas Shooting Events Discussion => : TCups December 13, 2008, 10:54:59 AM
Attn: Danno, Jerry - Organizational Skills Needed
Ask any of my friends or relatives and they will confirm that I am the worlds worst at planning anytihing in advance. I therefore need you two guys to to secure a proper location and time for the next Fall Fun Shoot Out and BBQ-Cooking Contest Pig-Out. Let me know if you need some "seed money" to get things started. I am thinking we might do a Friday evening "social event", shoot and cook through Saturday afternoon, and feast Saturday evening. An outdoor venue with nearby camping and/or motel accommodations somewhere within easy driving distance from DFW sounds right. We have folks bring their own liquid refreshments and charge a per head fee for the BBQ meal to cover the costs of several pork shoulders, ribs, and all the trimmings, with maybe a prize or two for the cooks and for a few shooting events. Do you think you can make something like this happen late summer/early fall next year?
Let us know.
Bump.. this is something I wanna do.. cmon guys lets make it happen...
This will remain at the top if i can't get it sticky'ed
I realy want to meet, shoot and eat with you guys . The GTA group is wonderfull and we need to get together.. We have months to plan this thing so its a great event.. Don't let up Tommy
I suspect when Dano sees this some planning will be started. Who was it that secured the last shooting area? If this gets planned early enough I am taking vacation and coming this time!
Texas, Tcups? What ever happened to the great SC event that was being planned?
Not mutually exclusive. Gene is on it for the SC shoot, I think. And I will definitely be going to that, too.
But I am angling to have JQ and his brother cook some Texas BBQ and going for a visit with my brother in Dallas, as well as meeting some of the TX crowd (including Dano). I am also hopeful we can get Peak Chick to come down from Colorado Springs to Dallas for the event.
Ahhh. Are they part of the Texas Airgun Militia? I see some of their events on the airgun artisans website. It's too bad they're so far away. I thought they looked like a group that has a lot of fun.
Good luck, guys. -hope it goes well.
I do not think I will be hosting a fall shoot this year but most definetly another Sprng Shoot in 2009. I sure enjoyed meeting everone this last spring and hope everyone will return for the next one. Maybe we can make it a two day event this time with lots of shooting and good food..:)
I guess it is a little late for this year. Keep us posted. I'm not too far away--let me know if I can be any help.
I think our biggest limiting factor is going to be location. Joel has found us a place to shoot twice, but he is super busy with work and family these days and probably wont be able to even attend. We've shot at Steve's place before, but he is equally short on time with all of the stock orders he has before Christmas. I have a small suburban backyard that is barely suitable for one shooter, so that rules me out. I think we are pretty much sunk unless someone else has a place for us to gather. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we've been looking for a good location for 2 years now and have only managed 5 "shootn'eats" in that same 2 years that the North Texas Airgun Militia has been around. If someone has a location I'll bring the steak!
Edit: Actually just realised Joel has found us 3 different locations now. There was some talk of something out on the West DFW area and there is also an old rifle range up in Gainesville, but I don't know the particulars on either of these places.
BTW: I usually run a mailinglist for the people that are interested in attending NTAGM shootouts, so if there is anyone who is interested and I haven't included you in previous emails, then send me an email with "Count me in" or some other nonsense. danieljnelson (at) remove the (at) and replace it with @
I will do some checking with some friends for a shooting place. give me a week or so.
Just got an email from Joel. What do you guys think about an April event? It's getting a little ugly to spend the afternoon outside at this time of the year, but Joel said he could probably secure the same location as the last shootout, and possibly be allowed camping there as well....if not it is only 10 minutes from downtown Fort Worth and there are plenty of hotels for out-of-towners. With 4 months to plan we could have the shootout to end all shootouts and really push the what say you? The way this place is set up, for those that didn't attend the last shootout, we could easily set up for 20 or more shooters, and maybe even set up a smaller lane off to the side for 10m? Jerry put out the idea awhile ago in an email that some of us could go the day before and really clean the place up for better dining AND to make it look nice for the owners...this is private property and the owners are a real great couple of folks, I for one would like to give something back as well. Let me know guys and we can plan for the Spring, or if someone digs up a location for sometime soon we can look at that also. I hadn't really thought about it before Joel mentioned it, but the weather is only going to get worse for the next month or two.
Thanks for the prompt reply. April is sooner than I had expected this might be organized, but April sounds OK. The weekend of April 10, 11, 12 is Good Friday / Easter weekend and would, I presume, not be the weekend to do this. Also, there are typically weeks of spring break for those in school on either side of the Easter weekend. Not necessarily a bad thing, but some do have family vacations planned in this time frame. So maybe either the weekend of the 17th or the 24th?
I am just cheerleading and the biggest logistical problem I will have is to watch for the best air fare from GSP to DFW. How about it JQ and Ronbeaux? Can you beaux's arrange a BBQ in that time frame? Unless I can get brother Jerry to provide a smoker, I can't really travel with mine (no trailer hitch), but I can bring $ and provide a pork shoulder or three. And I am REALLY hoping to be able to lure PeakChick down from the Colorado mountains to attend this one. And if she does come, I will make every effort to bring Gene and Bob along. Isn't there a song about that -- She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes -- although I have BBQ in mind rather than chicken and dumplings.
And I can certainly volunteer my brother Jerry to do any manual labor for set up or clean up that may be required before or after the event. Let me know what I can do to help expedite and finalize any plans. Thanks.
I wonder how many days it takes an air plane to reach the other side of Texas from SC..:)
You guys just get it set up and I will bring Ronbeaux on over he has an rv with a toy hauler in it for the pits..
If you build it thay will come..
OK. Here is the deal.
I got a comp in DeQuincy Louisiana on April 10/11 and MIM, in May. The 17th or the 24th of April works for me. I can't miss DeQuincy as I am cooking with a head Judge for the IBCA so he can progress to the next level in both KCBS and IBCA. He is a Physics Professor at the University of Louisiana in Lafeyette and is really cool to hang out with. He can also crunch numbers faster than JQ's rats can eat a bowl of dog food. But I dygress.
I got a 23ft toy hauler that I load up my pits in for comps and will need a place to park it with 30amp service. I can deal with no water, but the Mrs don't do primitive if you know what I mean.
Bringing both of my comp pits I can crank out 6 8lb pork shoulders or 4 briskets, and 15 slabs of BB ribs at the same time. Or 3 pork shoulders and 3 briskets and 15 slabs of BB's. Don't even request chicken cause I ain't gonna cook it. I can also load up my burner and crank out some real Cajun Jambalaya if anyone feels the need to have some. The West side of D/F is about 9.5 hours for me to haul the RV so I would plan on being there the Friday before the weekend and driving back on Sunday morning.
Shooting lessons are an extra charge, cooking is for free if everybody kicks in.
Let me know soon so I can book a vacation.
WOW Ron, sounds like more of a FEAST than a Shoot Out...:) So if I bring one gun and an empty stomach, that should be all I need...:)
Thanks Ron for volunteering for this. It really means allot to the GTA to see members who will actively make a contribution like you have just done.
So everyone please get your thoughts together and lets work on making this happen. Shootouts are a wonderful way of meeting your fellow GTA members and getting to see and shoot many air guns..:)
Hey breaux I will bring my 6500KW onan generator for the trailer.. Should light it up like a christmas tree.. Linda and Tonya will be comfy and we will just rough it till bedtime...You know cook, drink beer, cook, drink beer , shoot, cook, drink beer... eat!!! sounds rough ta me...
Well! With a pro like Ronbeaux doing the cooking, we will most likely not find a better offer or better food. So the BBQ contest may be a "no contest" from the get go, which is fine with me. And I certainly don't mind chipping in on some quality cuts of pork. I sure wouldn't want to miss this! So, I am in for either weekend mentioned. I will block both for now. But first, I guess we need to have Dano and the TX crew firm up the location and make sure those arrangements are squared away. Let us know what you find out, Dan.
I know for a fact there are direct flights to DFW from GSP and I will work on Gene and Bob and make sure they show up too. And the rest of the SC crew are kinda like cattle. If Gene and Bob go, the rest of the heard will follow, I suspect (especially with the lure of BBQ and perhaps a keg).
How about it Stephanie -- y'in, y'out?
We will need to give the NTAGM and Ronbeaux some kind of expected head count fairly soon, I should think.
Knowing up front would be a HUGE help, also someone there waiting with the meat so prep work can begin. I'll have to do an overnight to get it ready for mid-day Saturday. JQ is closer so he can get there early and have it ready to tro on the pit. Work for you breaux???
ronbeaux - 12/15/2008 8:15 PM
Knowing up front would be a HUGE help, also someone there waiting with the meat so prep work can begin. I'll have to do an overnight to get it ready for mid-day Saturday. JQ is closer so he can get there early and have it ready to tro on the pit. Work for you breaux???
Roger that breaux.. I can put a special touch to it.. we have months to get ready so lets just let the game play a bit for now...
JOHNNY QUEST - 12/15/2008 9:00 PM
ronbeaux - 12/15/2008 8:15 PM
Knowing up front would be a HUGE help, also someone there waiting with the meat so prep work can begin. I'll have to do an overnight to get it ready for mid-day Saturday. JQ is closer so he can get there early and have it ready to tro on the pit. Work for you breaux???
Roger that breaux.. I can put a special touch to it.. we have months to get ready so lets just let the game play a bit for now...
Yeppums Randal, will have to see how the dice roll and see how well we do with location. The place we shot at last time, and hopefully this next time has plenty of room for 20 or so shooters, and maybe a little room for "some" camping, but there is no electricity or RV hookups or anything (parking for perhaps a dozen or so cars). The other issue is bathrooms, we used the bathrooms in the main house last time, but I don't know how much access we would have during the night(if people decide to camp). I will try to scout out some local camp areas for the people that plan on doing so, just so we don't over burden the property owners. These folks have been really good to us so far, but I don't want to count our geese before they're hatched. For now we wait and see how this plays out me thinks:)
I feel sure the smoker is covered. I have a portable Weber Smokey Mountain, and there are others with more substantial gear. I work on getting something bigger, although the WSM will cook four shoulders, enough to serve dozens.
The site mentioned near Fort Worth is ideal for a firing line with 15-20 shooting positions. It has it all. I think the pictures are still posted. Joel Lively is our contact, friends of the owners who were amazingly cordial to our group last time.
Great to hear Joel is willing to work on this, he is the MAN on this deal, and I believe he's a cook, too.
See this link for photos we took in October t the last event.
I will help as I can with any arrangements, and look forward to working with you, Dan. This location is about a 30 minute drive from DFW, and make it about 45 or so from Love Field (for all you SW Airlines connections).
April in N Texas is typically very nice. Sounds great!
Gene, it is a nice quick flight from Greenville-Spartanburg on American Eagle, four direct round trips a day. Flight time westbound is about 2 1/2 hrs on a fifty seat Embraer. I have made this trip about 15-20 times, and now that these flights are available, it is a much more convenient trip. I think round trip advance purchase seats go about $300 today.
You can say what you want about big D - Atlanta might have more flights, but we have the better airport, and then we have Love Field for the intrastate flights to boot. Southwest offers great service if you live closer.
Jerry don't concern yourself with the smoker or the bbq.. Ron and I will handle it for you guys and enjoy every minute of it.. We just want you guys to have a great time and enjoy yourselves.. I for one am looking so forward to meeting my GTA friends and shootin a few rounds.. Heck I may even go fish a little with matt... Tommy Bring a flyrod and we will see if we can catch a texas crappie with em.... sounds like a great weekend endeavor. If ya don't have a traveler i will bring "THE MONTAGUE "for ya....
hey danno I will help out with preping the grounds or anything else that needs to be done.See if Sherry needs any trees trimmed I,m not doing anything right now and work is shut down till spring and now is the best time to trim those oaks and do some shooting!
spark22 - 12/16/2008 4:05 PM
hey danno I will help out with preping the grounds or anything else that needs to be done.See if Sherry needs any trees trimmed I,m not doing anything right now and work is shut down till spring and now is the best time to trim those oaks and do some shooting!
THAT would be awsome Gary, I will pass the offer along:)
....the gears are still churning along behind the scenes, I haven't forgotten. We should have some idea of dates and location by this weekend. I still am not sure about camping, but it has been pointed out to me that there is a public camp site about 15 minutes from where we are planning to shoot complete with all of the essentials. Just wanted to keep everyone tuned in as much as possible for right now, but since nothing is firm I don't want to spoil the plot:) Further updates to follow.
We have a place to shoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right now we are looking at the weekend of April 19th, 20th.....please let me know if there is a better weekend to plan for, if not I will plan for that one(don't know when the airgun show is in Arkansas). It doesn't look like camping at the shootout site is going to be a viable option, but as I said before I've been told that there is a campground within 15 minutes or so, I will research this myself to confirm and get prices. Will also look at local hotels if anyone is interested, just let me know. We have a few months to plan this, let's make it a great one!
Started a new thread so we can start discussing our plans: