Gateway To Product Reviews => Air Gun Mods and Tunes => : mcmi December 23, 2008, 10:03:48 AM
Well, aside for building the aluminum trigger guard for my TF99, I'm done with that project. I broke down the new B3-1 .22 the other day and was quite surprised to find the trigger assembly will not need any work. It's in much better shape than the TF99 was. I actually love the action. I want to replace the spring, trigger guard, front sight, spring guide polish the internals and add a scope. I'll do some shaping on the stock and refinish it as well.
Today I started by turning the new spring guide. I still have some machining to do, but I brought it home and test fit it. This guide balances the gun much better, in my opinion. It also replaces the plastic end cap that covered the crappy plastic spring guide. I think these rifles look much nicer without any plastic on them. This steel spring guide also adds some weight to this light rifle and should help in the accuracy department.
Look's great Kev :) the B3's are a fun little shooter to work on and most always excel when tuned. I've dabbled with several of em myself :o :) Ed
What spring do you recommend, Ed?
Also, mine has the synthetic seal. Is this as good as the leather ones or should I build a leather seal?
There's a Rebuild kit that comes with a trigger sear and trigger spring, mainspring which a good replacement for the one in it and two breach seal replacements. Some of our member's have upgraded the mainspring with Gamo spring's I think and several other spring's with good result's. I've messed around with other spring's in mine but all of them as of now have the stock spring's in them and mine push a solid 700+FPS. A really good debur, polish and lube with a couple custom part's like your guide will make them perform great. Their still a cheap CHINA shooter and several of us have pushed em to their limits with mod's hehehe but now I'm happy where mine are at. Their smooth, accurate and safe and a solid hunter for me. As far as the piston seal go's I've had great success with the leather one's, their more forgiving of compression chamber flaw's and for me put out more horsepower, just my opinion and some have had great performance from the synthetic ones. I've tried both and my B3's just like the leather seals better. Ed
Thanks Ed, I'll do some reading on the matter and post my decision later.
I ordered this Bug Buster ( for the B3 today. It should fit the rifle nicely.
The end cap on the spring guide is a GREAT finishing touch. Too bad they don't come from the factory that way. I know you've said you don't make parts for sale, but maybe this will give some ideas to others with machining skills. Great work!
Thanks Paul. Maybe there are guys here that can build this stuff for you. I wish I could but I just don't have the time.
hmmm...anyone willing to take his designs and make em into cash??????
(anyone here got the cash to spend???????)
Well, I got a bunch done today. I milled the clearance dimensions into the guide and drilled the pin hole. Removed the rear sight by milling it paper thin across the welds, popping it off and filing the surface clean. I'll need to get some blue-fix to finish that. I removed the front sight and turned a nice little shroud out of aluminum. Then I bed-liner coated the stock and assembled everything. She's just waiting for the scope.
Now were cooking Kev, looking first rate and she will be a smooth shooter when your done. :) Ed
Hey Shadow,
I know you've been following my tune on my B3 and I noticed your post here.
You mentioned "a couple custom parts". Can you provide more detail as to which parts you've seen customized and how?
I have access to a machine shop and could possibly take on the task of machining a few parts for this beast!
That spring guide looks great! I was trying to find a way to get rid of that plastic cap!
I am new to all this, but am into a B3 tune now. For that spring guide, did you run into any problems using the plastic one as a guide? Anything I should know?
Also, you used steel to add weight to your B3. I've got a 12 year old and an 8 year old and they can barely hold our B3 as it is (without the projected scope on it). Do you see any problems using aluminum for the spring guide?
hyounker - 1/2/2009 8:52 AM
That spring guide looks great! I was trying to find a way to get rid of that plastic cap!
I am new to all this, but am into a B3 tune now. For that spring guide, did you run into any problems using the plastic one as a guide? Anything I should know?
Also, you used steel to add weight to your B3. I've got a 12 year old and an 8 year old and they can barely hold our B3 as it is (without the projected scope on it). Do you see any problems using aluminum for the spring guide?
I didn't have any problems using the plastic guide to lay-out either of the steel spring guides I've made. With this one I just added the end-cap portion to the existing dimensions.
I think aluminum would be ok. I'm sure there would be some wear from the spring but I wouldn't sweat it. Place a polished thrust washer between the end of the spring and the aluminum guide and use a small bit grease between it and the aluminum. Should work fine.
Pardon my ignorance, but "thrust washer"?
Is this just a flat washer used to isolate the end of the spring from the aluminum?
Well, yes and no. A thrust washer (,%20NRC169.jpg) is a machined washer. It's not stamped from flat stock but rather it is machined from rod or tube. They are commonly used for precision spacing or load bearing situations. Usually they are hardened and polished. For springer tuning, they make nice spacers and bearings. You can get them at most large hardware stores or McMaster-Carr ( Just search for thrust washer and look for the correct size for your application.
I finally got the Leapers scope mounted on the B3 and got it zero'd. I went with a one piece Accushot mount. It was an inch too long for the scope so I had to cut it down to shorten it. It looks nice though and it isn't going to move.
This rifle is extremely accurate. I put 30 rounds through it at 25 yards to get the scope set up. The targets, from left to right, each had 10 shots in them. It's almost perfect after just 30 shots. I'm pretty happy with that. Not a single flyer in 30 shots, although the first 10 were pretty sloppy, that was just me making adjustments. All 30 shots were standing, unsupported, just like I hunt.
There's a bit of a February thaw going on today, I think I'll take this baby squirrel hunting this afternoon!
She look's GREAT! 8) Kev and sound's like she shoot's right on the money too. I may have missed it but what FPS is she pushing lead?.Ed
Thanks Ed.
I have no idea what the FPS is. I don't have a chrony. I can say that, although it was sighted in at 25 yards, I only saw about a .25" drop at 40 yards. I'm shooting 14.5gr, Field Line, Superpoint Extras from RWS (.22). This rifle loves them. I'd love to put it over a chrony, but my guess is that it'd hit 600's at best. It is VERY repeatable though, and that's all I care about. those 14.5gr pellets will certainly kill bunnies, squirrels crows and probably even raccoons with a head shot.
FWIW, I found that my TF99 .22 hates these pellets. It's got a lot more power and tends to spit these pellets all over the place. I can only get repeatable groups with Beeman Kodiaks in that beast but it's by far the most accurate at 40 and 50 yards as long as I use the Kodiaks.
My son's Hammerli Storm likes Beeman Silver Arrows (also .22) and that thing is VERY accurate with those pellets. It tends to throw flyers with the Superpoints and I didn't see any improvement with Kodiaks over the Silver Arrows, so he's sticking with those.
Yup thinking in that range myself on FPS, should make for a great little hunter though. :) Ed
Man, I hope mine turns out that nice!!!
Still working on mine and just posted an update here:
I love that new spring guide! Really makes this thing look much better.
wow I would love to have a spring guide like that!!! one of thses days I will have one of those little table mills/lathes so I can turn my own small pieces like that....