Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => PCP "STEROID 15" BENCH REST 30m => : January 25, 2009, 01:57:52 PM
Keep it inside 25 yrds. Folks,,,,,Gots me a Disco that will give you "big boys" a run fer yer money,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, just ask J,,,,,,,,,,,,, I think he said,,, "Wicked"!!LOL!! Tim.
Why 25 yards, Timmy? This time of year I'm stuck at 10 yards indoors most of the time, but spring and summer my minimum range is 30 yards, right now my Cyclone is zeroed at 45. Haven't had a chance to shoot the S200 outside yet, still trying to get the power dialed in to where I want it, the previous owner had it cranked up to around 16 fpe. That's the same as my Cyclone on medium, and I got this because I wanted a lower powered precision shooter. Sweet little rifle, I'm really enjoying it a lot. Anyway, not to be rude, but I sincerely doubt your Disco can keep up with either of my babies :-). So how's that for throwing down the gauntlet? What's the challenge going to be? Later.
This oughta b interestin............
<--- Grabs a chair, beer and sits down watching.
Beer,now i know what I forgot!!!
S'okay. I brought extras.
(Hands one to tat2dman)
So there you go Timmy...:) Dave has thrown out the first bone...:) Lets put those targets up lets say at 10 yards and let us see them groups..
At 10yrds. I most likely be hitting very low. Ok Im no dummy,,,I can compensate. How are we going to score one raged hole?? (my Disco is 22 cal.) :0 :o :p 8) Tim.
Guess we can just eye ball it Timmy..:)
YAY-Doin the beer dance}:)
Off Hand at 10 Y or M?Lemme try to wade thhe snow and move ma target up!!Think we got about 10 new inches overnight,and was still covered from 2 days ago..........Now whered I leave ma snow shoes?Geesh!!!!
I got 10 meters, but is that off hand, benched, one hand behind your back ;-)? Since I initiated the challenge, you get to set the terms. Of course, I get choice of weapons, and I'll ask Dano to be my second, make sure this is a proper duel :-). Lets get her done!
Your on big boy! If its 25 tards I'll whip out the TX, if it's 10 METERS I'll whip out the Daisy 753. You score a ragged hole with a guage made for 10 meter targets.
Great link Ron. I would of never known they actually used gauges..:) Thanks
Dave it looks like Timmy disapeared so if he does not come back you are the winner by default.. hehe
I knew there were gauges, but never had seen one or how it was used....I need to get out more often:) Great link!
Dear PCP shooters: Anyone want to shoot at 300 yards? Let us try it with the PCP...big bore that is! I should have my .452 Gargoyle ready in a few months, and I hope to get a .457 Quackenbush. See:, or try "Bigbore Bob's" , and look at "Airhogs" (high pressure air tanks) You can see a .495 Quackenbush re barrled to .457. Quackenbush also has a 58 cal, and a 20mm PCP air rifle. I know a guy who had a 308 Quackenbush for sale...I saw him shoot it at 300 yards, last year at LASSO. It uses a 135gr, 150gr lead bullet at 950fps. With the cost of bullets, primers, powder, plus the regs...bigbore airrifle shooting is attractive. And I have 250lbs of pure lead, left over from Nuclear Physics research...and many bullet molds! Most of my big bore friends hunt big game with their large cal. air rifles. Hogs in Texas!
Douglas George
Wishing you luck Doug....but I don`t think too many airgun shooters have that kind of distance to shoot out to.... But if I had....I would be willing to practice with my puny .22 PCP`s....and maybe take up your challenge.....don`t know if the pellets would go that far though. he he
To "gamo2hammerli": Here in Kansas I have several places I can shoot to 300 yards. One is an abondoned Naval Air station, and I have a 7000ft run way I can shoot rifles at! Big birm at one end. We shoot the Big AR-50 50bmg there...and drive down to the targets, from where we set the bench. I have shot the AR-50 at 5000ft...and that's a long way. It takes the 750gr Hornady A-Max several seconds to get to the target. I have shot 55 gal drums with the AR-50 at that range...lots of misses! But a few hits too. I have shot 22 long rifle at 400 yards..dents the drums, does not penatrate. At LASSO Texas they were shooting 22 PCP guns, but with very heavy pellets, 28-38 grains. They looked like long rifle bullets, not pellets. We shot the small bore PCP 25 cal and under at 100 yards. I could keep up with those guys with my RWS 48 at 100 yards! We were shooting at metal spiners and metal targets. One guy I met there wanted a "springer", and he hit the spinner at 85 yards with my RWS 48 off hand...he wants one now... Look at will want one! You can get your "air hog" or scuba tank filled at a dive shop. I will try to post pic's of big bore air guns...if i figure out how.
Douglas George