Target Shooting Discussion Forums General => Springer Rifle Target Gate General => : Gene_SC January 26, 2009, 12:47:02 PM
Looking forTarget shooters.....
I do!! (Soon as I get my Diana 24 back) :p 8) We need to find out from Tommy where he gets those Gamo sized targets that have 5 (I think) bulls eyes!! Tim.
Do they have fur on em, move through tree's are on the ground and are cookable hehehe. Cmon paper puncher's speak up.:) Ed
It,s gonna happen Ed,,,,,Most Folks are aperently still not aware!! :o Tim.
Paper Targets guys...:) No fur allowed here.. hehe
OH, OH, OH, I do Gene !
I love to see if I can still put little holes on the center of paper things, that's fun !
Count me in buddy !
Target shooter here. Pretty much all I can do indoors and not make a mess. When I shoot in the backyard, it's paper targets, army men, spinners, the neighbor's lemons... :)
I shoot lots of paper, especially this time of year when I'm stuck shooting indoors at short (10 yards) range. I have a CAD program that I use to make my own targets, I'm including a PDF version of one of my favorites. I use card stock to print targets on, it's more expensive than regular printer paper, but pellets tend to cut cleaner holes instead of tearing. BTW, the grid on my target is 1/2", this is my general purpose target. I also do variations of this for different ranges where the grid is MOA for that range. Makes it easy to dial in a scope, if there's any interest I'd be happy to supply them as PDF's also. It's worth noting that the numerous crosses on this target make nice additional aim points, so there's lots of targets on each sheet. Of course, when I get bored, there's always paint balls. I have a board inside my pellet trap drilled for golf tees, it keeps most of the spatter inside the trap. Great fun :-)! Later.
Scroll down for short version of this post.(http://../jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-tongue-out.gif)
I shoot targets, when there isn't anything flying or 4-legging it the house. But, I only shoot homemade targets. My printer hasn't worked in years. Usually I just shoot paper plates; wadcutters and most round nosed pellets make a pretty clean hole in them.
I just take a Sharpie and an empty Scotch Tape spool to draw the circles, I use the inside of the spool, as a template so my thumbs don't get in the way. Then I eyeball an eighth inch dot in the center Half the time the dot ends up being a 1/4" to 5/16ths before it gets centered; these old eyes, lol). The circles end up about 7/8ths of an inch inside the line, and almost 11/16ths outside diameter. The paper plates are the cheap ones and most of the time you grab 2 of them to put your sandwich on, so I just save the bottom ones and the fairly clean ones.
As far as official targets go, I just can't afford them. I have been thinking about having some printed at Kinko's or OfficeMax though. But, I don't know what type and weight of paper to use. ???????? Any Suggestions???????
I did however buy a package of those Birchwood Casey "Target Spots" the other day. One package has 72 1" stickers and 36 2" stickers with a 1/2" and 1" circles respectively. Also printed on crosshairs and a diamond shaped bullseye. the cost at Sports authority was $4.99 per pkg. I'm VERY pleased with them. They stick really well; unlike the "target patching dots" you get with those crappy "Shoot-N-See" targets or Avery's, round "Garage Sale Labels which fly off after a coupleof NEAR hits. They even stick on the old, splintery and rough wood paneling scraps I have salvaged from the old doors that were here, under the house, when I moved in. I went out to shoot a few today, after two days of rain and fog. On Friday I had stuck a couple of the 2" "Target Spots" to the backside (rough side) of an old piece of paneling. They were still there; soaked through along with the paneling and everything else and barely hanging on, but there they were.
I have a little tip for applying them though. I light my trusty Zippo and get the lid nice and hot then sort of IRON them on. I did this when I was using the 3/4" Avery labels also. I think, along with making the adhesive work better, the heat sort of stiffens the paper, making it more brittle which results in a cleaner hole.
Well as usual, I am just rambling on. Sorry for this "long winded post." Once I get going I seem to think that I need to include EVERY detail. (http://../jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-sealed.gif)
Short Version>>>>>Yes I shoot targets, Gene.
N. CA (Near Sacramento, 5 miles from Sutters Mill located in Coloma, CA)
Hammerli Titan .177cal, B-3 or B4 .177cal Currently disassembled waiting for my Lazy arse to refinish the stock and install the QF-2 kit, 2 Gamo PT-80's .177, Walther CP99 .177cal, TFS2-1 Spring Pistol POS
Scroll down for short version of this post.(http://../jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-tongue-out.gif)
I shoot targets, when there isn't anything flying or 4-legging it the house. But, I only shoot homemade targets. My printer hasn't worked in years. Usually I just shoot paper plates; wadcutters and most round nosed pellets make a pretty clean hole in them.
I just take a Sharpie and an empty Scotch Tape spool to draw the circles, I use the inside of the spool, as a template so my thumbs don't get in the way. Then I eyeball an eighth inch dot in the center Half the time the dot ends up being a 1/4" to 5/16ths before it gets centered; these old eyes, lol). The circles end up about 7/8ths of an inch inside the line, and almost 11/16ths outside diameter. The paper plates are the cheap ones and most of the time you grab 2 of them to put your sandwich on, so I just save the bottom ones and the fairly clean ones.
As far as official targets go, I just can't afford them. I have been thinking about having some printed at Kinko's or OfficeMax though. But, I don't know what type and weight of paper to use. ???????? Any Suggestions???????
I did however buy a package of those Birchwood Casey "Target Spots" the other day. One package has 72 1" stickers and 36 2" stickers with a 1/2" and 1" circles respectively. Also printed on crosshairs and a diamond shaped bullseye. the cost at Sports authority was $4.99 per pkg. I'm VERY pleased with them. They stick really well; unlike the "target patching dots" you get with those crappy "Shoot-N-See" targets or Avery's, round "Garage Sale Labels which fly off after a coupleof NEAR hits. They even stick on the old, splintery and rough wood paneling scraps I have salvaged from the old doors that were here, under the house, when I moved in. I went out to shoot a few today, after two days of rain and fog. On Friday I had stuck a couple of the 2" "Target Spots" to the backside (rough side) of an old piece of paneling. They were still there; soaked through along with the paneling and everything else and barely hanging on, but there they were.
I have a little tip for applying them though. I light my trusty Zippo and get the lid nice and hot then sort of IRON them on. I did this when I was using the 3/4" Avery labels also. I think, along with making the adhesive work better, the heat sort of stiffens the paper, making it more brittle which results in a cleaner hole.
Well as usual, I am just rambling on. Sorry for this "long winded post." Once I get going I seem to think that I need to include EVERY detail. (http://../jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-sealed.gif)
Short Version>>>>>Yes I shoot targets, Gene.
N. CA (Near Sacramento, 5 miles from Sutters Mill located in Coloma, CA)
Hammerli Titan .177cal, B-3 or B4 .177cal Currently disassembled waiting for my Lazy arse to refinish the stock and install the QF-2 kit, 2 Gamo PT-80's .177, Walther CP99 .177cal, TFS2-1 Spring Pistol POS
I shoot just about anything I can!!!!! LOL's From paper plates, cans, printed targets from the library, etc. I will admit I really get a kick out of shooting spoons and cans! One day I'll get one of those re-set spinners like Gene had at his place. I've seen alot of neat ideas on this thread, and have a tip of my own. If you regularly attend the same grocery store and have a good relationship with the meat or produce clerks,...they may provide you with the orange stickers they put on the packaging. The fella at the piggly wiggly GS will sell me a roll of them for a buck or two. Sometimes they're little dots, flag shaped, or whatever they have to spare. Much better deal than buying a pack of 50 at wal-mart for $4!! I stick them on p plates, beer can, targets, etc. Up-side down orange marking paint (spray) is a good addition to the spoons, as well as marking yardage etc. It's all about creativity!!!!! Just Have Fun!!!!!!!! tjk
You can add me to the list too! Drawing pins are fun at 10 meters! If you just stick them in a bit, you need to hit them dead central to finish the job otherwise they break off! Quite entertaining!
So Gene, when are we going to get the first postal match going?
If you buy the stick on dots that are only about 5 mm in diameter, you get lots more dots per package. Stick them on regular white paper about 1 inch apart. A square hit with a .177 punches them right through the paper, but any off center hit tends to tear a hole behind them and leaves all or most of the dot hanging on the front of the paper target (presuming there is space behind the target to punch the dot through. I stick a couple of dozen on a page and keep shooting until all of them are gone. Great 10-meter practice with a rifle or 5-meter practice with a pistol.
I shoot at plenty of targets, but based on my groups, I'm certainly not a "Target Shooter"(http://../jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif) Those follow-up shots are so much easier when the paper isn't moving!!
Gene_SC - 1/26/2009 8:47 PM
Looking for Target shooters.....
Count me in. Scoped Rifle Springer, Pumped RIfle non-scoped $ Pistol
Count me in. I enjoy shooting paper