Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => PCP "STEROID 15" BENCH REST 30m => : daved February 03, 2009, 03:06:39 AM

: Okay, Dark Siders...
: daved February 03, 2009, 03:06:39 AM
Guess we need to get a match going here as well :-).  For the sake of simplicity, lets use the same "rules" as laid out in the Springer Target gate, I think Kirby has links to the targets posted in the General gate.  10 meters, any PCP rifle, any sights, either sitting or off hand, target depending on shooting position.  Practice the rest of the week, results to be posted by midnight Sunday the 8th.  As stated before, late entries will be laughed at :-).  Maybe one of the mods can start a new thread for everyone to post result too.  Later.

: Re: Okay, Dark Siders...
: gamo2hammerli February 03, 2009, 04:12:21 AM
Sounds excellent.  I`m going to use my .22 AA410s carbine on low power with the standing off-hand position.   I really need to work on my off-hand shooting!!!!!
: RE: Okay, Dark Siders...
: kirby999 February 03, 2009, 10:30:32 AM
What exactly are we shooting ? I'll have to turn one of my AA S400's down , I tried shooting one of them the other day and I'm having pellets bouncing out of my trap with the rifle at 800fps. It's probably shooting the 7g wadcutters about 850-900fps. I'll be shooting the Gamo target off hand . Maybe by the end of the week I can figure out how to unload pictures on this "new to me" computer , and I can post some targets shot. kirby
: Re: Okay, Dark Siders...
: gamo2hammerli February 03, 2009, 02:32:33 PM
I will shoot the 15 target sheet recommended by Truman last week....the rings are 6mm, 11.5mm, 17.5mm and the other ring is 24mm (Just got 500 sheets printed out)....out to 10 meters outside into a bounce-backs.
: RE: Okay, Dark Siders...
: daved February 03, 2009, 03:55:44 PM
I though all your 400's were already at 12 fpe, David.  Oh, just noticed you're shooting a 7 gr. pellet.  I was thinking of using the same targets you found for the springer match, but it sounds like Stanley has a large supply of the targets Truman suggested.  Either one is fine by me, although I felt like the Gamo target was a little easier to shoot.  Guess I'm just more comfortable with a little more white space around the bull.  Here's a thought, if Stanley wants to use the 15 shot target, but we shoot 20 on the Gamo, he can shoot 5 on a second sheet.  An X for him would be completely inside the white, which should be a challenge for him as I believe his PCP is a .22 ;-).  So now we need to wake up some of the other PCP shooters around here.  Hey, Dan, I KNOW you can manage 10 yards from the dining room to your garage!  Later.

: Re: Okay, Dark Siders...
: gamo2hammerli February 04, 2009, 10:05:44 AM
Yes, my AA410 is a .22   and shooting 20 targets is fine with me.  The chance of me hitting completely inside the white will be would be a very lucky shot.  heh heh  It's guys go for 10 yards.....I'll go for 10 prob....just abit more's all for fun.
: Re: Okay, Dark Siders...
: daved February 04, 2009, 10:36:44 AM
Good point, I keep forgetting 10M is almost 11 yards.  No problem, I can just manage 10M in my shop off hand, but not off my bench.  Which brings up two questions for the competition shooters.  First, where do you measure the 10M from and too, and second, how high is the target supposed to be?  I've heard range is measured from your toes to the face of the target, and height is supposed to be 55".  Thanks.

: Re: Okay, Dark Siders...
: gamo2hammerli February 04, 2009, 12:13:34 PM
For me I'll be shooting abit shin level.  I think the saying, "Step up to the line" is the way competitive shooters do it (Well, that's the way they do it at archery ranges/events).  The line to the target will be 10 meters/ you place your foot just over the line and start shooting....doesn't matter how long the barrel is.  I could be wrong....

Maybe Charlotte can clarify.....
: Re: Okay, Dark Siders...
: DanoInTx February 04, 2009, 01:53:26 PM
Cool, I just had a 9m long barrel installed on my S200, you guys are in for a hurtin'!!!  Just kidding:)

Yep, I get 15 yards from the diningroom to the garage Dave, I could easily pull off 10m.....just have to find time to shoot, got home around 7:30 tonight then cooked dinner since my wife got home around the same time, doesn't leave much time for shooting when the diningroom is being used for eating, then sleeping rolls around right afterwards:/
: RE: Okay, Dark Siders...
: kirby999 February 04, 2009, 02:09:48 PM
I'm waiting for it to warm a little outside . (supposed to be around 12 tomorrow morning) I don't really want to mess with turning the power down on my S400's and turned up they are a little hot for shooting indoors into a steel trap . I don't want to kill my flat screen TV or my Computer monitor. Once I get my S200 , maybe it'll be easier to turn the power down on. kirby
: Re: Okay, Dark Siders...
: gamo2hammerli February 05, 2009, 05:38:10 AM
Wanted to shoot outdoors yesterday and today....but too cold...high of -13C...with a windchill of thanks.  Will attempt to shoot Fri. and Sat.....supposed to warm up to -3C.  Haven`t shot outdoors in the cold with a PCP yet....I`m hoping the cold wouldn`t affect the POI at 10 meters distance.