Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => OPEN - 10m OFF HAND AIR RIFLE MATCH - Post Results => : riflejunkie February 06, 2009, 04:51:04 AM

: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: riflejunkie February 06, 2009, 04:51:04 AM
OK boys and girls, it is time to shoot.  The official target is the Gamo target and is shot at 10 meters or 33 feet.  
The course of fire is 5 shots per target on 4 targets for a total of 20 shots for score for a possible 200 points.
One entry per contestant for this match.  
Any sights, .177-.22 cal., any power plant.  You must be standing when you shoot, no use of a sling or any artificial support is allowed.  
Photos not necessary, but appreciated.  List your rifle, sights and ammo.  Match ends Sunday @ midnight, post NLT Monday @ midnight.
: I'll get this match going
: kirby999 February 06, 2009, 05:59:05 AM
It'll give y'all something to shoot for. I just finished shooting these outside . All shot at 10 meters , standing off-hand .Temp . 54 Balmy degrees. Wind W-11mph . Rifle : Air Arms S400C .177 cal. Scope Simmons WTC 6,5X20X50 set on 12X , Pellets RWS Basics 7.0g . Target #1 score -49 ; #2 -47 ; #3 -48 ; #4 -47 for a total of 191 . Disregard the totals on each target in the picture , I have no idea where the extra 50 point per target came from in my mind . LOL I had one totally out pf the white , into the black and that is on target #4 a 10 o'clock solid 8 in the black . Go for it folks . kirby
: RE: I'll get this match going
: ronbeaux February 06, 2009, 09:57:20 AM
How big is the white circle in the middle? I printed out the 15 target type at work and won't be back there until Monday. The circles are 1" on the 15 target one.
: RE: I'll get this match going
: Truman February 06, 2009, 10:09:04 AM
Hello Ron, You're in luck! The white is 25.6mm (0.2mm over an inch!) and the ten ring is 12.8mm (0.1mm over half inch)
: Re: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: tjk February 06, 2009, 11:46:48 AM
Where can I down-load these Gamo targets from?!?!? tjk
: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: gamo2hammerli February 06, 2009, 12:04:56 PM

This is the 5 Gamo target sheet....the white is 20mm and the "10" is 9.5mm (Could be 10mm).

Shot these targets right after sighting in a .177 Crosman Storm XT springer and the PCP .22 Air Arms 410 SL carbine. Since I had the 410 in hand....I used it for this first 10 meters air rifle off-hand shooting. Shot abit late and ended up with the last 10 shots using the Illuminated Recticle....last shot fired at 6pm.

.22 AA410 SL carbine with a 3X12-50mm Baska scope....used 5X magnification....used .22 Crosman Premier Hollow Point pellets -3C temperature, no wind

Score of 170 with one bullseye (top left sheet (bottom left target))....wasn't exactly sure how to score if pellet cut a I took the lower score. Pellet holes are difficult to see in the photo....sorry.

: Re: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: tjk February 06, 2009, 12:25:30 PM
Thanks Stan! That's the same print-out as I got. But now the ink on my printer is starting to fade and get 'wavey?!?!?' looking. Next DA question.....So you only use on sheet of these targets per five shot group to equal 20 shots?!? Never mind,....I think I figured it out with the points thing. Duh-huhhhhhh So if you hit inside the smallest ring, than that's ten points right?!? No extra for the Bull's-eye,...Ten targets equals 200 possible points scorable!!! Hey this sounds cool,...and at 11 yards too! Can't wait to try this!!! tjk
PS I thought these dang printers were supposed to tell you when the ink well starts running dry?!?!? Is there a way to test or 'scan' the printer for ink levels?????
: Re: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: riflejunkie February 06, 2009, 01:28:07 PM
Lets keep this thread for posting scores only.
: Re: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: tjk February 06, 2009, 01:52:33 PM
Oooops, Sorry bout that. tjk
: Re: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: Truman February 06, 2009, 10:38:39 PM
Bit windy today, maybe 10mph and blustery (gentlemans excuse for bad shooting!) but I tried!
: Re: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: Truman February 06, 2009, 10:58:39 PM
Forgot to put the details on so here we go!
Gamo Maxima .22 with Barsca 3-12*50 scope set on *3
Gamo Match pellets
Total score of 161
Bottom right target has a two holer at the 9 o'clock shot!
: Re: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: Truman February 06, 2009, 11:12:53 PM
Just so I get them all in!
Again , with the Gamo Maxima .22 with gamo match!
Score 120
: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: Jerrycup February 07, 2009, 05:03:52 AM
Here's my entry total 165
Slavia CZ 634 (Gene Curtis tuned) .177
71 degrees 15-20 mph gusty wind in Dallas, TX
Bushnell Trophy 4-12 x 40 AO scope
Crosman Premier hollow point pellets

: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: ronbeaux February 07, 2009, 06:11:09 AM
Here is my poor excuse for an entry.

Gamo Compact pistol
Beaman H&N Match pellets
10 Meters
Wind -- 9 gusting to 15
Score on Official 10 Meter Air Pistol Target  136 (thats the only target I had till Monday)


That 27 really bummed me out and my arm was tired.
: Hey Jerry
: kirby999 February 07, 2009, 06:51:53 AM
I scored your targets and I got ; starting top left 42, 42 , Ottoman left 46, 44 for a total of 174 and they're a couple that might even score a point or two more . If it touches the next scoring ring it counts the higher value , that's the way I always played the game. And a coring tip for all : if you're shooting round nose pellets and one is close to the line, insert a pellet carefully into the hole and see if the skirt touches the line , if it does it counts . kirby
: Re: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: tjk February 07, 2009, 06:54:34 AM
Howdy Folks!!! Here're my results. I'd like to thank Mike Mellick for the work he performed on this rifle,....and Wes Combs who sold me this rifle!!! Keep up the awesome grades "Fly-Boy"!!!!! My Fav indoor plinker for sure! First off a few apologies,....I think the ink's drying up on my printer,...Sorry. Second,...since I haven't read the official NRA rules of scoring,...I went with the score number that the most of the pellet hole penetrated. Third,....I'm not sure this is the best paper to use for target shooting,..but it's what I had on hand. One thing I did forget was to mention the time. It was about 1:30 PM EST. My Rig is pretty simple, just a Med powered rifle, tac scope rail, and a cheapo Tasco scope from Wal-mart,....3-9X40,...I think?!?!? Frames two and three,,...I was pretty much out to lunch!!!! But one ,four, and five were about the usual avaerage window of "Non-Competitive" shots. tjk
: Re: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: tjk February 07, 2009, 06:57:26 AM

PIX I hope!! tjk





: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: preez February 07, 2009, 07:04:01 AM
This is cool. Just shot mine, pic attached I hope. I actually shot 5 rounds, am I allowed to write off the lowest one???

If yes I shot 171, if not - 167

The gun - .22 disco with 3-9x40 Leapers scope, pellets Crosman Premiers. The range - inside my house.

The cold medicine I took last night and am still hang over from certainly did not help.

: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: Mick February 07, 2009, 07:38:33 AM
I just shot this match ... but I have to "cheat" somewhat - lol.   Since my spinal surgery last summe, although I have total usage of my arms and legs, I only have very limited feeling in my legs and feet .... and slight intermittent loss of feelimg in my hands - Sigh !  So these days I mostly shoot sitting on a very low canvas camp-stool .... a bit awkward but still gives me some trigger time.    My score was 199
: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: Jerrycup February 07, 2009, 08:20:44 AM
Bill, can you point me to the rules for scoring each shot?
I had thought that the hole had to be fully within a ring to count for the higher score...
Wrong? What are the visual criteria?
: Re: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: tjk February 07, 2009, 09:56:33 AM
I don't know much about those rules Jerry,...but I think I could have benefitted from the five shot per frame and dropped the worst score!!!!!!!! LOL's Oh well,...too late now. Oooops, sorry, I did it again RJ. tjk 8)
: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: airgunandy February 07, 2009, 10:52:06 AM
OK, I gave it a shot (well, 20 actually).

No practice, the target looked like a bowl of black Cheerios, and a light wind was blowing from right to left.

"Crazy Ivan" - .177 caliber IZH IJ-22 Soviet-made springer (IZH guns are target guns, right?)

Daisy Precision Max pellets

Near as I can tell, 137.
I have other guns I might could do better with (they are scoped!) but I like to shoot this old Cold Warrior.
: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: Big_Bill February 07, 2009, 12:18:36 PM

I haven't found any Official Rules for this match, only recommendations for the match !

But in International Shooting, as well as NRA Matches, if your shottouches the line, you receive the higher score. So say that you shot hits the line between the 7 & 8, you receive the higher score, an 8 ..

I hope this helps !

: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: kirby999 February 07, 2009, 02:13:54 PM
Yep, that's how I always played the game . if it touches the line of the higher scoring ring , you score it the higher ring . kirby
: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: preez February 07, 2009, 02:32:04 PM
If we're playing by that rule, I need to change my scores...

I went by center of the shot.

It would be 171 for rounds 1-4

: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: airgunandy February 07, 2009, 03:44:14 PM
How many targets were we supposed to shoot? 4 or 5?
: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: Black Mamba February 07, 2009, 03:51:46 PM

This was quite the challenge for me. I really enjoyed this and found that I really need some practice. I used my hunting "sighting" technique to get my shots off and for the most part it worked for me.

Setup is:

1322 PSP Crosman Conversion
14.3 Crosman Pointed (weighed)
Bushnell 4-14 power Sportsman on 5 power set to 12 yards objective
8 pumps per shot for about 415fps/shot

I had a hard time finding a way to take a picture that would show the shooting clearly enough and ended up taping it to a light to show the contrast between target and shots. As you probably know, Crosman pointed don't cut paper. They punch through paper making it harder to read.

My scores are based (on the paper) by "If you touch a particular line you get the lesser number". If I went with Bill's post as to counting it would be 178.

Great fun though.


: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: erskine February 07, 2009, 04:56:42 PM


Nice shooting, too. That will take squirrels out to fifty yards. I had squirrels in the yard today, but they were busy with making little squirrels, and I don't shoot the little buggers, when they are making more little buggers. That would be counter productive.

I'll try to post tomorrow. I guess I can print the target?

: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: Dave1899 February 08, 2009, 03:32:03 AM

Here's my entry for the first GTA Target Match with my Brand New BSA Lightning XL Tatical (http://../jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif)


: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: neric February 08, 2009, 03:55:13 AM
"From Russia with Love"  IZH 61,  stock open sights,  Crosman Wadcutters 7.9 from bulk milk carton box.
Not sure how to figure the score,,,,came up with 109.
My first match,,,,think its a great idea,,,glad to participate.
: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: JOHNNY QUEST February 08, 2009, 04:24:26 AM
 I would love to play but I don't have any targets and my printer is broke.. I'll get me some for the next event..(http://../jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-embarassed.gif)
: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: MartinDWhite February 08, 2009, 10:27:16 AM
Crosman custom shop with LW barrel, discovery internals and run off 2000psi fill, simmons red dot.

Total score of 183 on the first 20 shots, no warm up, no sight in.

: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: JQR February 08, 2009, 12:45:53 PM
Dang, you all are using my Gamo rip of a target... I guess I better go shoot one myself :-)
: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: MartinDWhite February 08, 2009, 12:53:37 PM
Sorry about the so big pictures I did not realize they would be so large when I posted them. And It ways I can't edit a post after 15 minutes.

    Martin D. White
: Re: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: the beav February 08, 2009, 01:48:47 PM
Just got done shootin here inside the house and shot a 174 with myRWS 34N shootin beeman crow mags in 177 Cal.
: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: Big_Bill February 08, 2009, 01:55:31 PM

Here are my offhand scores, I post these under extreme duress, as I do not wish to embarrass anyone, especially MYSELF !

Shooter: Gamo 890S 4X12X40 scope, set at 4 power

Pellet: .177 Daisy W.C.

Date: February 08, 2009

Score: 47 + 45 + 38 + 31 = 161, I'm glad that we only fired on 4 targets, it could have gotten worse :(

: Re: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: the beav February 08, 2009, 02:24:30 PM
oops should have added shot with open sights. Fun challenge though.
: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: riflejunkie February 08, 2009, 03:21:18 PM
OK, sorry I don't have pics yet since I'm still waiting on my daughters camera, but will edit this post with pics asap.  Nearing midnight so I want to get my scores in.  I shot 2 targets each scoring 44 and 2 targets each scoring 43 for a total score of 174.
Rifle  Bam B-26   factory sights
Crosman Premier Light 7.9
: RE: Match # 1 Post your offhand scores here
: daved February 08, 2009, 03:57:17 PM
No target pics because my scanners dead.  Rifle is an AA S200 .177, scoped with a Burris Timberline 4.5-14x32 at minimum mag, RWS SuperMag pellets, shot at 10M in my shop, off hand.  Score of 47, 45, 49, 48 for a total of 189.  Guess I need to practice some more.
