Target Shooting Discussion Forums General => Target Shooting General Discussion => : kirby999 February 06, 2009, 06:52:42 AM
where was that link to download the 5 spot Gamo target ? I can't seem to find it . kirby
Is this the one?
That's it; it works now. kirby
Great. AT least these targets are bigger than the 15 per page ones. The 15 per page ones would be great for sitting position 10 meter shooting.....hope we`ll use that format/size.
OK I found this photo bucket link,...but it has all five targets on on page. Is this the same size as the individual targets on the 'weekend shooting' thread?!?!?! I'm thinking of using my MM 0035 for this match. Sounds like alot of fun!!!!!! tjk
Gamo target white is an inch, the 'Gamo 5' the white is 0.77" but that may just be my printer settings!
My library's printer print out the "white" in .77" (10mm) I guess that's the size of the 5 Gamo target sheet.
Are the ring sizes of the 5x and Gamo targets the same?
Would someone with a ruler measure the diameter of the rings on the Gamo target.
That way I can use the Pellant target program to make targets of the correct ring size, at least until I can find some Gamo targets locally.
I think the Gamo 5 target rings are smaller...Look at Truman's post above; 1" for the white/10 ring for the regular single Gamo target and .77" for the 5 target sheet. I don't have any single Gamo target I can't confirm it.
I think we need a new 5x target where the rings match the single targets, or the scores won't compare.
A 1/4" difference in the 9 ring is a significant difference.
When I print out the 5 target sheet the 10 ring measures about 15/16 of an inch.
I agree. I think we should get off the wallet and spend some money on some 'Official' NRA approved targets you can order on line. 100 targets for less than $15.00. Get several of them and only use them for these weekend fun shoots and they will last a long time. Practice with Supermarket Tabloids by trying to hit letters, draw a mustache on the stars, etc. Then when the fun shoot gets here, break out the 'Official' target.
Not all printers are the same and not all paper is the same so the holes may be hard to score. The NRA targets are on heavier paper and the holes punch real nice with only the occasional need to plug one to get the proper score.
That's my vote. It's also why I used the 10 Meter Air Pistol target for my entry. It gave a real accounting of just how bad I am lately...........
- far. My "white bullseye - 10 ring" is only .77" or 3/4" on those 5 target Gamo sheets. Oh well, don't matter to me....I'll keep on using them....just have to concentrate harder!!! (http://../jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-smile.gif)
Why not pick a target from the library?!?!?! I'm kinda partial to the 'reload target" site!!!! tjk
I guess I can't read very well. It's the 9 ring that measures 15/16 of an inch. I just measured the white center, didn't look at what number it was. Center bullseye (actual 10 ring?) measures just under a 1/2 inch!!
Criminy, If y'all are shootin' at 10 rings that are 3/4 to an inch in diameter, I don't feel near as bad for only shooting 137!!! :)
I think maybe a PDF file will keep it's size better than a Jpeg.
If indeed the white center is supposed to be an inch in diameter, regardless of what number the ring is, and some people are only getting about 3/4 of an inch, what is causing the difference?
If you are only getting centers of .75 - .77, how are you printing it? Do you just click the link and print from the page? I just tried it and the center white area came out about 3/4 of an inch.
I had downloaded the file earlier and when I print it directly off my computer, the white center comes out just slightly under one inch, somewhere between 15/16 and a full inch.
If your targets are coming out small and you have been printing from the web page, try downloading the file and see what happens.
Also, I printed mine out on 110lb cardstock instead of regular paper. It's available at most places that sell printer paper. I got a package of 150 sheets for about $4 at Wally Mart.
I've just been testing out the sizes of the target! If you print the gamo5 direct from the link out at 125%, it gives you a white of 25mm and the bull at 12mm, the same size as the other one!!
Will someone who has a real Gamo target measure/confirm the ring diameters.
(My local Big-5 does not have the Gamo targets. I'll try a Target and WalMart next time I go near one of them.)
From what is being said here, I am guessing that each ring is 6mm wide. So I conclude the following ring diameters.
10 = 12mm
9 = 24
8 = 36
7 = 48
6 = 60
5 = 72
4 = 84
3 = 96
2 = 108
1 = 120
With the ring diameters, you can use the Pellant target program to print out your targets.
BTW, I tried Truman's idea, but I could only go up to 120% before I could not go higher. I probably the limit of the printer.
But it does appear that all the rings are of the same width, hence my guess of the above ring diameters.
Comment on the paper stock.
Read the specs for your printer before you buy heavy paper. If you get paper heavier than what your printer is speced to handle, you could damage your printer.
Some printers have a "straight through feed" for using heavy stock, so the paper does not have to make a sharp bend, which the heavy paper may not be able to do. Check your printer manual to see how to use this. Sometimes it is a door on the back of the printer that you flip down and the paper exits that way, other times you have to feed the paper from a different your printer manual.
I used 60 pound paper in my inkjet, and wadcutters were able to punch nice holes thru it.
Well my local WalMart does not have the Gamo targets, so I have to mail order them.
In the interim I will print some with the Pellant target program.
Hey all,
I just saw this thread. You are all pulling that file from my photobucket...
I'm sitting here with my Gamo (original targets) and a fresh print out of the target file from my computer....
There is some compression from the scanner The 6 ring is 2 and 9/16" on the Gamo card and 2 and 7/16th's on the print out. (I can't speak for any compression happening on your printer)
I made these for home use, not to compete with the 'real' Gamo target.
I agree that everyone should use the same target for comp. I'd just rather print something out than buy Gamo's targets.
I'll pull the picture down if it's causing confusion.