Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => OPEN - "STEROID 15" OFF HAND AIR RIFLE MATCH - Pos => : gamo2hammerli February 20, 2009, 04:48:38 AM

: Post 3rd "Steriod" 15 target scores here.....
: gamo2hammerli February 20, 2009, 04:48:38 AM
....please. Same rules as the last, 10 meters, rifle (Or handgun, if you`re that good), any powerplant, scope or un-scoped, one shot per target. Let`s Have Fun
: RE: Steroid15 results 76
: Truman February 20, 2009, 11:09:18 PM
I'm getting closer to you guys! Watch out here I come!
: Score: 103, 3rd "Steriod" 15 target
: TCups February 21, 2009, 05:00:37 AM
15 consecutive shots with the CZ-634 / .177 (springer) off-hand, 4X scope at 10 meters, Vogel Greens.  Didn't do quite as well with the HW30s (96).  

Oops -- the picture is wrong, I didn't shoot JSB's.  The CZ likes JSB's better but they don't punch as clean a hole.

: Score: 96 Steriod 15 match #3
: gamo2hammerli February 21, 2009, 10:06:37 AM

From -12C in the morning it warmed up to -4C but still had wind gusts of 40kph.

Gun: Crosman Storm XT, Scope: 3x9-32mm Center Point set at 5X, Pellet: .177 Crosman WadCutter

Position: 10 Meters Standing Off-Hand, Temp: -4C with 40kph wind gusts, SCORE: 96

: Steroid15 Match #3: Score ~ 145-3X
: Mick February 21, 2009, 11:40:30 AM
Hi  - I also shot this match  from the sitting poition on my low camp stool due to the "loss of legs" problem again today !   Getting to be somewhat frustrating ... I see the neuro-surgeon again in a couple of weeks to dsicuss further options ... Sigh !

: Good Score Mick!
: TCups February 21, 2009, 11:59:07 AM

When you say you are seated, does that mean you are sitting but not resting an elbow  on the knees -- in effect, still shooting off-hand but just seated?
: RE: Steroid15 Match #3: Score ~ 145-3X
: Mick February 21, 2009, 01:08:10 PM
Yes !   On the other hand, sitting - at my age - does induce a somewhat larger swelling of the lower abdominal region to aid in elbow support - lol !

: Score 126+/- , Steroid #3
: JQR February 21, 2009, 01:35:55 PM
Hopping in on this. I don't have time to shoot in all the matches but I am always switching the zero between 10m and 20yr(max indoor) anyway so I'll try to shoot the 10m stuff.

Gun - Talon SS 12" barrel
Sight - Centerpoint @ ~ 12 power
Pellet -  $2.99/500 Beeman HP's  (and almost worth every penny)
10m, Standing, Offhand....

I scored it at 126, but the more I look at it, the 11 is good and 2 of the tens look MUCH more like 10's on paper than in the scan...

: RE: Score 126+/- , Steroid #3 (SCAN)
: JQR February 21, 2009, 01:58:26 PM
Don't know what happened to the last one and haven't figured out how to edit my post...
: RE: Score 126+/- , Steroid #3 (SCAN)
: Truman February 21, 2009, 07:05:06 PM
Congratulations on the first 11 Jeff! Hope you enjoyed the match.
: Re: Post 3rd "Steriod" 15 target match: Score "an 89"
: tjk February 22, 2009, 06:15:41 AM

( First Steriod Match for me so I chose my 392 Benji for this go-round. Stinks how a complete miss can drag a score down really quick!!! But very challenging none the least. After doing a pellet swap with Nathan with the FTS's,... I ended up getting another tin to try in this rifle,...My DA forgot to do it the first time!!! Duh-Huhhhhh. tjk


: Big_Bill February 22, 2009, 12:36:20 PM

Beemen R-9 Goldie- .20 cal - Beemen Crow-Magnum

: Score: 130, Steroid #3...
: daved February 22, 2009, 05:26:49 PM
Sorry, people, still having scanner issues, so no pics YET.  Will try and rectify tomorrow.

Rifle, AA S200 PCP, diopter sights, RWS R-10 8.2 gr. pellets, 10M off hand, indoors.  This was going to be a practice, but I spent so much time messing with my new P5 I never got around to reshooting it :-).  Later.
