Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => CO2 10m AIR PISTOL MATCH => : Viper February 24, 2009, 03:47:18 AM
Here are the details for Match#2. A few changes from last week. 10M/33feet, Standing, level ground....or as level as possible. 1 or 2 hand. Co2 only. 4 targets, 5 shots per target. I'll post a seperate thread on the night of the 27th to start to post results. All results will be tallied at the end of the thread by the night of March 2nd Last posted result that will be counted must be in no later than midnight EST on Sunday the 1st. The preferred target will be the 5 bull Gamo target. If an alternate target is used, they will be so noted during the tally. Everyone's a winner! See below for Gamo 5 bull target...
Okay, so I got the dates wrong. Match is from 2-22 thru 3-1. Match ends midnight Sunday the 1st, and results get posted on the 2nd. This must be the result of lead powder slowley creeping up my fingernails!
Sounds good, I'm in.....using the Crosman 1377 pumper though. And I'll shoot 4 shots in 5 targets...easier to see the punched holes....not that it really matters in my case....since they'll be like a "shotgun pattern" heh heh.