Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => OPEN - 5m AIR PISTOL MATCH - 1 OR 2 HANDED - Post => : JQR March 22, 2009, 01:42:02 PM
I'll add more info (gun, pellet, ect) to the results sheet as we progress.
CaptGeorge - since you shot the same gun 2x I just picked up the higher score.
TCups - I included both since they were diff guns (and I have a soft spot for P3's). Maybe I'll start shooting mine each week in addition to the 2300. My P3 scores have been higher recently but I insist upon upon learning the 2300 to near perfection.
If anyone else shoots tonight I'll update the grid. I'll be traveling most of the day tomorrow.
( (¤t=OpenPistolResults.jpg)
Surprised myself with the Izzy and open sights.
JQR great job in tallying all the scores. Just a suggestion: Maybe you need to add 5 Meter or 5M to GTA OPEN PISTOL MATCH.