Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => OPEN - 5m AIR PISTOL MATCH - 1 OR 2 HANDED - Post => : gamo2hammerli March 30, 2009, 03:25:33 AM

: Open Pistol Week 3 scores here...
: gamo2hammerli March 30, 2009, 03:25:33 AM
....please. Since we're having a whole week to participate in this event.....we'll have a new thread early in the week so shooters will have a place to post their scores. Have fun shooting.....
: Score: 134, Open Pistol Week 3
: Marisol April 02, 2009, 10:59:07 PM
This is my first entry into the match but I have been practicing along with everyone.  The best I got with the squares target was 113 so I was surprised to do better with the new target.  My front sight fits perfectly in the black bull so I'm really liking the new target.  Thank you all for putting this match together and working on the targets.  :D

1377 w/open sights (LPA rear and fiber optic front), 2-hand grip, RWS Hobbys, 5m indoors

: Score: 129-2X, Open Pistol, Stock Sights, Stand 2-Hand
: CaptGeorge April 03, 2009, 05:10:02 AM
Oh well, maybe next week....
: RE: 126 2X - Open Pistol Week 3 scores here...
: airgunandy April 03, 2009, 01:30:31 PM
OK, here we go with the new target. I kinda like it.

Pistol:  Crosman 2240 10" .177 barrel and open sights
Ammo: Daisy Precision Max wadcutters
Distance 5 Meters w/ 2-hand hold
Score: 126 w/ 2X's

Need to work on my patience. After all, patience is a virtue! :)
: Score: 119 2X, Open Pistol 5M, Match# 3
: gamo2hammerli April 03, 2009, 03:37:12 PM

Actually shot this match Thur....but added up the scores Fri. If only all my shots were like the ones in the middle right....

Gun: Crosman 1377 multi-pumper, Scope: Iron sights, Pellet: .177 Crosman WadCutter, Distance: 5 Meters indoors,

Position: Isosceles stance, 2-Hand grip, SCORE: 119 2X

: Re: Open Pistol Week 3 scores here...
: imadogman April 04, 2009, 04:06:39 AM
Week 3 results.

Total score 143  2X

Weapon= IZH 46M
Grip= 2 handed
Pellets= RWS  Super Hollow Point (doesn't seem to matter at this range, everything shoots well through the IZZY ;-)
Sights= Factory Partridge

: RE: Open Pistol Week 3 scores here...
: daveshoot April 04, 2009, 05:38:14 AM

Did a little better this week- less coffee, more concentration. But, my heavy card stock ripped as much as printer paper... I guess the cardboard backing is the way to go.

: Different Gun, Different Score
: daveshoot April 04, 2009, 07:32:24 AM

So then I thought I would be cool and try the Izzie. How could I miss with this new wonder toy? It is like cheating at 5m with two hands...


: RE: Open Pistol Week 3 scores here...
: ronbeaux April 04, 2009, 07:50:49 AM
Hey guys, I made it back!!


Still too fuzzy to shoot though.
: RE: Open Pistol Week 3 scores here...
: ronbeaux April 05, 2009, 09:59:29 AM
Broke out the Gamo Compact after Truman shamed me into shooting. THANK YOU TRUMAN!!

Gamo Compact
H&N Match pellets
two hand grip
score 171

: WOW! 171/150....I'll have a drink of what you're drinking. LOL
: CaptGeorge April 05, 2009, 11:44:51 AM
Great shooting, Ron!   You shot 21 points over the max! LOL  LOL

How, when you sober up [LOL]  try shooting FIVE targets, three shots each... HAHAHAHAHA

Looks like you had a great trip....wish I could afford one like that right now...hope to meet you in Fort Worth if I can make it!
: RE: WOW! 171/150....I'll have a drink of what you're drinking. LOL
: ronbeaux April 05, 2009, 12:38:54 PM
Hold up. Did I miss the rules??? My bad. I thought it was 5 per for 4 bulls...........

Oh well, there is always next week. Scratch my score from the list.  No wait. I'll run out side and shoot in the dark.
: RE: WOW! 171/150....I'll have a drink of what you're drinking. LOL
: ronbeaux April 05, 2009, 12:53:43 PM
How is this?

: Re: Open Pistol Week 3 scores here...
: imadogman April 05, 2009, 01:16:35 PM
Not bad, but we are shooting at 5M not 10M...Is it too dark to try again?
: Re: Open Pistol Week 3 scores here...
: ronbeaux April 05, 2009, 01:19:42 PM
Yep. I'll just stay home this week and pay attention.......
: 137 Open Pistol Week 3 scores
: TCups April 05, 2009, 01:32:36 PM
28, 28, 27, 27, 27 = 137 / 150, 3X
IZH 46M Vogel Yellow, standing, 5 M, 2-hand grip
: LOL!!!! Maybe we should ....
: CaptGeorge April 05, 2009, 01:41:37 PM
...schedule a match in the dark.  I actually shot open rifle/steroid better last week at "dark thirty" than I did this week in gusty wind!!
Unlike you "skinny" guys, us BIGUN"S get blown around a lot despite our extra anchorage! You're only one point off my open rifle score this week!  Pretty handy shooting for pistol at 10M.
: Score: 135, Open Pistol Week 3
: April 05, 2009, 01:59:11 PM
Score: 135/150
Distance: 5M
Pistol: Beeman P17
Pellet: Crosman HP
Sights: Red dot
Grip: 2-hand
: 144, 2300, .177 Gamo Match Wads, 5m, 2h, 3x Scope
: JQR April 05, 2009, 02:16:32 PM
I have to admit that I brushed off the whole sight picture discussion until I pointed my SCOPE at this. I've shot this with the same set up at 10m fine (view - not score), this was the first attempt with this pistol and scope at 5m. It took me a few target to figure out how to keep the crosshairs from blurring out with all the black in this target. I had to purposely blur the focus then bring the crosshairs back. So I have a new respect for others trying to work around a sight picture, I shot at a blur that faded dark to light and put the crosshair on the center of the 'light'.

That said - I certainly can't complain about the results.
( (¤t=OpenPistol003.jpg)