Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => OPEN - 5m AIR PISTOL MATCH - 1 OR 2 HANDED - Post => : gamo2hammerli March 30, 2009, 04:57:00 AM

: Open Pistol Week 2 Results...
: gamo2hammerli March 30, 2009, 04:57:00 AM Not a bad turn out for this friendly 5 meter pistolmatch.

Member Gun Scope/Other Pellet PositionSCORE

JQR Crosman 2300 scoped 3XBeeman WadCutter 2-Hand 137 3X

imadogman IZH 46M Iron sights CP Hollow Pt 2-Hand137

TCups Beeman P3 Red Dot 1X RWS Hobby 2-Hand135 3X

schoot Beeman P17 Red Dot CP Hollow Pt 2-Hand 119

CaptGeorgeCrosman 1377 Iron sights.177 Daisy Pre Max WadC Off-Hand 102

airgunandy Custom Cros 2240 Iron sights.177 Daisy Pre Max WadC 2-Hand 102

daveshoot Beeman P3 Iron sights Meisterkgelns 2-Hand 98 2X (?)

gamo2hammerli Crosman 1377 Iron sights .177 Cros WadCutter2 Hand/Isosceles 72

Since daveshoot didn't submit his score....I just eyeballed it and came up with 98 and maybe 2X's.

: RE: Open Pistol Week 2 Results...
: JQR March 30, 2009, 07:37:38 AM
Thanks for doing that. I'll update the chart I started when work slows down this evening.


: RE: Open Pistol Week 2 Results...
: daveshoot March 30, 2009, 10:07:39 AM

Oh, you're about right... Iremember thinking it was100 even, but defer to your judgement! I didn't consider a score like that worth fussing over. The message was that I need work and discipline... and better target paper!

Thanks for letting me play and I promise to do better. It is about time I started measuring performance, after a lifetime of shooting.

: Re: Open Pistol Week 2 Results...
: gamo2hammerli March 30, 2009, 03:35:54 PM
Daveshoot your 100 or 98 is better than my 72  ha ha.  So don't be shy post your score.....