Target Shooting Discussion Forums General => Target Shooting General Discussion => : JQR March 30, 2009, 10:23:34 AM
I gave up regular golf years ago. To expensive and time consuming for me....
Shoot it if you want, not going to be a weekly type thing for me but I'll shoot it a few times before i get bored. No end date, when we are all bored the thread will just fade away.
No rules other than the scoring guidlines. Any gun, any postion, any sighting device, any distance etc. Just let us know the basics and let us see your target.
I have not used the copy attached, let me know if you have trouble pulling it.
( (¤t=airgungolf.jpg)
The link doesn't work but I pulled it from a google search. Should be fun!.
Now that is kinda cool! I think I will give this one a try for laughs. 20m scoped bench rest?
daveshoot - 3/31/2009 8:58 AM
20m scoped bench rest?
Your choice.
I shot this with a pistol at 5m a while back... it was really sad.
Sorry about the link. That was supposed to point to my photobucket. I must be doing something wrong. Seems many of images have failed recently.
Link is here:¤t=airgungolf.jpg (¤t=airgungolf.jpg)
Oh, now that looks like fun:) I tried to find a airgun dart board one time, but never found it !! I'll give this one a go. Thanks for the link, Tony.
The dartboard is here- I've shot this one! (
Dave, Appreciate the dartboard link. Thanks, Tony.
daveshoot - 3/31/2009 2:39 PM
The dartboard is here- I've shot this one! (