Target Shooting Discussion Forums General => Target Shooting General Discussion => : Big_Bill April 15, 2009, 04:50:56 AM

: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Big_Bill April 15, 2009, 04:50:56 AM

ALL Shooters Interested in a 30 meter Bench Rest Match, Sign in, and let us know what target you would like to shoot !

In our continuing attempt to have every member enjoy target shooting, we are trying to provide events for everyone here to compete in ! This is our attempt to find Fun for Evreyone, so if YOU fell that this is your kind of match, come on in !

I hope to see your name here !


: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: CaptGeorge April 15, 2009, 05:20:20 AM
Sorry, Bill.  I'd like to shoot 30M, but I don't have 30M free space in the backyard.
: Re: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Magnum April 15, 2009, 06:12:53 AM
Bill, That sounds like a challenge to me:) I'm open really open to any format...How about the OL' NRA 50yd target, 10 shots?    You can also get pdf copy in the gta library.  Tony.
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Truman April 15, 2009, 07:14:19 AM
I would be happy to shoot a 30M bench rest with which ever target you all feel happy with! Nothing too small because I at least want to score a few points!
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Big_Bill April 15, 2009, 07:30:34 AM
Hey George !   How may feet do you have for shooting, I'm sure others may have limited space also ....Bill
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Gene_SC April 15, 2009, 09:09:11 AM

I got D's in math all my young adulthood..:) All this time I have been shooting 30 meters and was thinking and saying 10 meters...:) How dumb can I get. Dumber as I age, I guess.. hehe So not that I have looked it up in the GTA Library under Distance and MeasurementConversions I am ashamed...:(

But I will take you guys up on the 30 meter springer bench rest shoot. But I will not be around at the end of week or the weekend. Going to the Texas Shoot for practice...:)

: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested, meters or feet
: Magnum April 16, 2009, 01:05:29 AM
Gene you had me thinking too lol:) meters yards and feet?!!  5m=16.4feet , 10m=32.8feet,  15m=49.21feet, 20m=65.61feet, 30m=98.42feet, 40m=131.23feet, 100m=328.01feet.
: Gene & Bill
: CaptGeorge April 16, 2009, 03:16:46 AM
Gene: I thought you were just kidding...about a 10M benchrest.  Everybody would shoot 100-10X. LOL!!! Hey, may not a bad idea - that way we'll all be in FIRST PLACE! See you at NTAGM.

Bill: I don't have much more than 15 yards left for shooting in my backyard.  However, I may be able to interest a friend of mine into joining GTA and he's got a couple of acres to play on.  I'll shoot all matches I can, when I can.
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: JQR April 16, 2009, 10:19:55 AM
If my bipod can count as a 'benchrest' I'll shoot 30+m when I can. Limited to 20y most of the time.
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: ronbeaux April 16, 2009, 11:07:04 AM
I'm in at 30 yrds. I don't have 3 more feet for M. My garden is in the way!
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Big_Bill April 16, 2009, 01:12:24 PM
It looks like we have a winner !!!!        Now lets select a target !!!!!!!     Bill
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: JQR April 19, 2009, 03:32:03 AM
Is there a target yet? I have 30y today although I'll need to wait for the rain that's coming so the neighbors go inside!
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Big_Bill April 19, 2009, 10:00:00 AM
NO, No target has been submitted or selected yet !  Come up with some selections and vote on it guys !       Bill
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Magnum April 19, 2009, 10:43:48 AM
Bill, I thought I would try out the  30m/100' distance so I could get a feel for what its like:) I shot this target today (pic)as a test , it is quiet a challenge and not sure its the right target for this event!  I do not have a bench rest so rested on hand rail... I will have to set up a bench for the match :)
   I still think possible larger target similar to the ISU 50Meter international (see here row 13.. will help to catch all my wild shots and at least will get something for it  lol:)  I am of course open to any choice,  just happy to shoot a target . Not sure how many shots is normal , 20 ? Tony.
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: JQR April 19, 2009, 11:13:37 AM
Tony - don't take this the wrong way but I was thinking a whole different direction (MUCH smaller).

This is what I shoot at from 20y off a folding table and my bipod. I touch 90% of the targets but prob only 40% of the bulls. If I pulled out the actual benchrest and adjusted it correctly. I think I'd do a bit better. I realize there are way to many targets on this page. Just showing as an example. Also, I have 2 of the target generators that are out there. throw me some specs and I'll build them.
( (¤t=50-50rest.jpg)
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: TCups April 19, 2009, 12:06:23 PM
Count me in.  Thanks.
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Magnum April 19, 2009, 01:07:33 PM
Jeff, I'm good with smaller size target :)   I used the 10m target because ..well it was what I had, I got most shots in the black part, using a hand rail so i feel that the size of black only is cool:)  
     One other thought I had was that... not everyone will have same equipment so more circles may possibly help bring more shooters to the bench? :)    Tony.
: Let's select a target now, and get things started !
: Big_Bill April 21, 2009, 12:34:24 PM
We are rolling along, all we need to do is select a target, and we can start these matches.   .Bill
: Re: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Gene_SC April 21, 2009, 12:47:44 PM
I am in Bill. Just pick the target we use and I will punch some holes..:) Thanks
: Re: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: gamo2hammerli April 21, 2009, 10:51:51 PM
Would like to join in for this match....but no place to "sit up" and shoot 30 meters.  That's why I've to shoot prone in the "PCP Rested Rifle 30 Yds" conceal from roving eyes.....
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Magnum April 22, 2009, 12:54:25 AM
       Count me in:)  I now have a bench/table set up:)
           Question I have, will it  be pcp/ springer or both? I saw a post about PCP rifle match at 30 meters is why I ask:)
           Also is this where the target will be located once its picked out ?
 Ready to shoot, Tony.
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Big_Bill April 22, 2009, 03:55:19 AM

To better accommodate more of our members that have limited space, we will make this a 30 yard match.

And due to the PCP shooters already having a bench rest match, this match will be for all other than PCP rifles.

We still need a target ! I do not shoot from a bench, and I understand that many of you are real good at shooting off a bench, so I don't want this match to be too easy, but then again, I would still like it to be FUN for Everyone ?


Lets get this up and moving before it gets to hot to shoot outside !

Thanks for your input !


: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: TCups April 22, 2009, 07:02:20 AM

This is a 22 rimfire target used on another forum for their matches, 25 yards open sights, 50 yards, scoped.  Cutting the outer ring scores 1 cutting the center dot scores 2.  Pretty simple.

just a suggestion.

I am also attaching a pdf and jpeg of the file (without the header) to the thread.


Actually, I just re-read the scoring.  "Inside the ring" is 1, a bulls eye is 2, hitting all 5 inside the ring in each 5-bull column scores a bonus of 5 points:  Maximum score = 60 points.
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Magnum April 22, 2009, 07:43:45 AM
Big_Bill - 4/22/2009  11:55 AM

 I do not shoot from a bench, and I understand that many of you are real good at shooting off a bench, so I don't want this match to be too easy, but then again, I would still like it to be FUN for Everyone ?


Bill, I agree with you on the hard target but still fun . Here is a thought , I found these in the GTA library...   It has both small center which is hard for those tight groupers to compete head to head and some friendly extra rings to catch a few points instead of a zero for the new comers like me:)???  also has nice black center so my more experience eyes  can find the target at 90 Feet LOL :)  BTW This is just my thoughts to make things more fun  :) .. Or someone who knows how, could even make a similar target especially for this event? hard in the middle  and easier outside, Tony.
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: JQR April 22, 2009, 09:31:19 AM
this match will be for all other than PCP rifles

That knocks me out, I only have 1 rifle. Considering another but it'll prob be a pcp also.
I may still need to down load your target and shoot it for unposted fun though...
: Let's Select a TARGET !!
: Big_Bill April 22, 2009, 02:57:16 PM
OK, Now lets pick a target !  I can't be of much help here, selecting a target has never been required by me !  They were provided, and I fired upon whatever was supplied.  So let's pick something with some degree of difficulty, and see how she floats :-) --- And Tony, thanks for your time and effort, however the Dundee did not print well on my printer, but others that have been submitted do ?? they printed very light, without dark center and I printed them on my normal DRAFT setting ? I had no problems with any of the other targets offered.  So every one please select a target that you would like to shoot at, and NO OSAMA TARGETS PLEASE ! Thank you,  Bill
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30yard Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Magnum April 22, 2009, 03:09:03 PM
Ok  I'll place a vote for the,  20 Targets w/3 Rings.   Tony.
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30yard Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Magnum April 23, 2009, 12:56:42 AM
Ok seeing that  I have not done this  before... I decided to do some experimenting:) And now believe that the20 or 30 Targets With 1/4"  0.25 Rings are more of a challenge for those with pellet stacking equipment and  still fun for those without that is my revised vote :)  I promise this is my final post on all this.  I will shoot at anything, Tony.
: Re: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Gene_SC April 23, 2009, 01:49:14 AM
I like the 20 Targets w/3 Rings.
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: TCups April 23, 2009, 02:17:14 AM
Okie Dokie

I will shoot the 20 targets, 3 rings target for this week's match unless I hear otherwise.  I take it we will be shooting 20 rounds from a bench rest.  One of the earlier posts says no PCP's for this match, so no PCP's.  looking forward to it!  I think I can only get ~ 31-32 yards, not 30 meters, though.
: RE: ALL Interested in a 30m Bench Rested Match Please sign in
: Big_Bill April 23, 2009, 05:15:26 AM
Yes Tommy,  We will be shooting thirty yards to better accommodate those that do not have the full 30 meters !  It looks like a go on this weeks match, all others with opinions please feel free to post them, everyone's opinions are always welcome ! Thank you, Bill