GTA Regional Shooting Events => Long Island Shooting Events Discussion => : BumbleShot April 15, 2009, 06:47:42 AM

: Signing up for Hunter Ed in June
: BumbleShot April 15, 2009, 06:47:42 AM
06/06/2009•Sat  10:30am•3:30pm
06/07/2009•Sun    10:30am•3:30pm
Farmingdale, American Outdoor Sports, 2040 Rte, 110. Please bring a pen and chair. You must Pre-register! Call 631•249•1832.
You must attend all sessions

From the DEC site:
: RE: Signing up for Hunter Ed in June
: longislandhunter April 15, 2009, 07:49:21 AM
Good for you Neil  :)

It's a good course.  

: RE: Signing up for Hunter Ed in June
: shadow April 15, 2009, 09:55:23 AM
I agree Jeff, it's a good course. :) Ed
: Anyone else up for taking it with me?
: BumbleShot April 15, 2009, 01:12:55 PM
I think they are free courses the DEC sponsors.

Would be fun to go with a fellow air-gunner (and future inline muzzleloader!)
: Well I have my Cert now.
: BumbleShot June 07, 2009, 08:11:42 AM
I did not buy a license yet.  As the next license starts in August.

That said, should I have bought it anyway?  Would love meet LongIslandHunter some time and 'blood' one of my rifles!

The course was quite basic.  I actually studies and read both the main manuals.  I got a 98% missing a question on the source of funding for Hunter Ed, and conservation.  Oh well.  

Now I'm curious about the bow hunting license so I can get the most out of a sportsman licence.

Also, even with a cert I need a license to legally varmint?  Sparrows, starlings and such?

Additionally, I asked the instructor about air rifles and he said never under any circumstances.  I guess he may not know about certain private land ordinances and laws.  Just as well.  The course was very basic.  Much more basic than Driving Classes...

Seems more people are hurt hunting by falling from a tree stand!

Anyhow.  Looking forward to a hunt someday now!