Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => PCP "STEROID 15" BENCH REST 30m => : gamo2hammerli May 25, 2009, 01:48:41 AM
.......please. Hopefully a few more members will join in this week and make this event more interesting.
Shoot Often Shoot Safe
fx cyclone, scope 4-16x40 centerpoint, .22 RWS superdome. Score 127.
Picked up a new bipod, this one runs a little shorter fully collapsed. Feels more natural in a prone position.
Might have to pull the table out next week and see what I can do. This batch of Crossman Premiers has been far less consistent than usual. I hope it's a fluke with this box, I bought a lot of them :-(. Might have some JSB Heavies to try next week if PA hurries up.
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Hey Magnum, at least one FX Cyclone owner can shoot!!!!!!!
First time using my FX Cyclone in a match......I have not really tried different pellets to see which brand/type she likes. Only using .177 Crosman Ultra Magnum pellets so far. The previous owner told me she likes Crow Magnum and Kodiaks....the heavier pellets.
Over the next few weeks I might shoot the rifle on low and/or mid power to see if it likes lighter pellets.
Very bad last 4 days of the week...on and off rain with bright sun in-between. Shot this match in sun and cloud weather with over 60kph winds. The cardboard frame that I stuck the target sheet on was wobbling (Had two large rocks in it to hold it down), my rifle was wobbling and I tried the Field Target Sitting positon....sitting cross legged with my two elbows on my knees.....I was swaying too. My back still hurts from benting forward after the shoot.
My scores are so bad I didn't want to post it.....but since I shot the match plus the hard work of trying to zero-in (Total of 80 shots). I might as well. This target sheet is the best one of 4 !!!!
Rifle: FX Cyclone, Sights: Simmons 6.5X20-44mm set at 15X, Pellet: .177 Crosman Ultra Magnum, Distance: 30 Yards,
Position: Field Target Sitting (Elbows on knees), Temp: +15C, Sun+Cloud, 60+kph wind, SCORE: 31 (http://../jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-frown.gif)(http://../jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cry.gif)