Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => 25 Yard OPEN SIGHTS POSITION AIR RIFLE MATCH - Pos => : Brod_Man June 15, 2009, 01:42:07 AM
Crongratulations everyone! I was just too busy this week. Will shoot it this week though.
Shooter Rifle Pellet Position Score
MagnumRWS 34 RWS Misterkugeln (.22) Sitting 96/200
Gamo2hammerli Crosman Sierra Pro Gamo Match (.177) Sitting 106/200
Ronbeaux RWS 24 Crosman Premier Hollow Point (.177) Sitting 148/200
Goatlike RWS 34RWS Superdome (.177) Standing108/200
Crongratulations to this weeks winner Ronbeaux!! Second place goes to a newcomer to this match Goatlike and third goes to our great target gate moderator Gamo2Hammerli!!! Thanks for shooting and come an do better next week!!
That was a tough match. Might have to try sitting or kneeling this week, weather permitting. It's lookin' like I can only shoot Tue & Wed with all the rain we're having up here. I'll shoot when and what I can, but I'll probably hold off posting targets till the weekend. Might get a break in the weather on Sunday, might not.
Thanks, Brod_Man. Fun, tough match.
- Mark
Brody, great job first time tallying the scores. And Mark.....excellent shooting standing up!!!!
Thanks very much. Can't wait fer the next one. :)
Try the field target position. I find that to be the most stable. It's different from Military sitting(basically you would get whopped in the eye using field target position shooting a Military gun! But works great for an airgun)
Dunno if I can pull off sitting. It's not the act itself, but my land slopes downhill and if I'm too low I can't see the target. :) Just tried a target kneeling, that might work out for me pretty well as long as my legs don't give out.
I might suggest that you lower your target, and sit on a cushion or two. You might want to make something to sit on that will be level with the ground ?
Just a thought !
That sounds like too much work. :) I tied my match #2 score kneeling today so I think I'll give that another try tomorrow. Looking at the weather report, tomorrow's my last clear chance to shoot this week, and I want to shoot three if not 4 matches.
Truth be told, lowering the target would make it harder. I have to shoot downhill at a slight angle and there are lots of low bushes between me and the paper. Sitting on that 5 gallon bucket might do the trick! Kneeling and standing actually appeal to me. When I was a kid I got my prone and sitting qualifications with a .22 at camp, but I got to old before I got a chance to kneel or stand. Making up for lost time I guess.
Bad news for me. I have to DQ myself from match #2. Something wasn't sitting right with me and my "range", so M'Lady and went out and remeasured the target locations. I was shooting at 20yds, not 25! D'oh! Gamo, I hand the Silver Medal to you.
Sorry, bonehead move on my part. I'll be posting a properly measured match this week.
- Mark
Very truthful and honourable of you goatlike. Thanks. But I'm sure you're alot better shot than me. If I shot it standing up at 20 yards like score would probably be in the 70's....if I'm lucky!!!!
Thanks. I was a good shot as a kid, nice to know I still got it 25 years later. And I'm loving these weekly matches, just what I've been looking for the last quarter century... a chance to keep shootin' with others. Video games just don't cut it anymore. :)