Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => OPEN - 10m OFF HAND AIR RIFLE MATCH - Post Results => : Big_Bill August 10, 2009, 04:48:30 AM
Another week, another chance for improvement ! Let's ALL give this match our BEST !!!!!
Remember ! Take three or four Breaths between shots, shoot your match when you will not be distracted, and take your time. You can never recall a shot taken ! And Boy! I sure wish I could sometime :)
I wish you all the BEST in this weeks Matches ! - Bill
Hope this is the 28th open AG match:) 10m Open A.R. standing position, Diana 350 magnum, leapers 3-9x50AO, .22 rws meisterkugeln, score 180.
Daisy 953
Gamo Match
BSA 4x32
Score: 168/200
Posting the scores for namroud4diana24. He shot this after shooting his brand new Kimber Classic 30 06 rifle late morning to early aftenoon (5 hours.....40 shots). He was zero-ing and breaking-in his rifle so he was using sandbags front and rear.....this must've threw him off, because usually he shoots better off-hand. His "Steriod 15" sheet was so bad he didn't even want me to submit it....... heh heh.
Rifle: RWS Diana 24, Sights: Bushnell Sportsman 3X9-32mm AO 4X, Pellet: .177 RWS CO2, Distance: 10 Meters,
Position: Stand/Off Hand, Temp: +31C, Sun, Humid, No wind, SCORE: 151/200
Just letting you guys and gals know....this will be the last posting of this match in this thread/forum. Starting next week....Mon. 17 Aug.....each match will have it's own it'll be easier to follow.
Shot this and the "Steriod 15" match in the blazing heat and humidity. But it was good.....even the mosquitoes were hiding from the heat.
Rifle: Gamo Big Cat, Sights: Gamo 3X9-40mm 6X, Pellet: .177 Crosman Premier Hollow Pt, Distance: 10 Meters,
Position: Stand/Off Hand, Temp: +31C, Sun, Humid, No wind, SCORE: 170/200 1X
HW-30 .177 cal - Bushnell 4-12x40mm AO - Crosman Prem. Target WC .177 cal - 10m - Standing
Score: 189 - 5X