General Discussion To Gateway To Airguns => Airgun Gate => : fisherdude August 19, 2009, 12:51:49 PM
I recently purchased an 880. Awesome accuracy!
Does anyone know where to get a parts diagram?
Is it broke already? :)
I may have a hardcopy in the garage. If so, I'll try to digitize and send it to you tomorrow.
They're great little plinkers, and it was my first BB gun, which I still have 30 years later. These folks will email a schematic to you if you send an email:
Here's a step by step disassembly writeup:
JG Airguns has parts with some diagrams:
Not broke. I may want to see if there is anything I can do to get a better trigger.
I believe there are two versions - the original and the current production. Not sure what the differences are, but I recall seeing where parts are not interchangeable. If you have a new one and can get the exploded views, compare the 880's trigger to the 953. If it is the same, then the Pilkington modification for the 953 might work. Haven't heard if this is possible nor seen posts of doing it. Might ask on the Yellow.
Interesting, thanks for the lead.
I have stated shooting this rifle in the pumper target match and I think the trigger is costing me about 5 points per match so I am tempted to tear into it.
Ron, have you figured out what to do about the trigger?? Bought one for my daughter and I agree it's a pleasure to shoot! Easy cocking, very accurate with cphp - just wish the trigger wasn't such a bear!