Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => 10m MULTI PUMP AIR PISTOL TARGET MATCH => : gamo2hammerli October 19, 2009, 03:47:30 AM
....scores here please. Great shooting last week....hopefully a few more multi pumper pistol shooters will join in this week and make in even more fun. Shoot Often Shoot Safe
10m multi pump pistol standing 2 hand position, using 6 pumps, Crosman 1377 iron sights, .177 rws basic wad pellets, Score 106
Did this right after the CO2 Pistol practice shots prior. Turned out not bad.
Pistol: Crosman 1377, Sights: Open Sights, Pellet: .177 Crosman Wad, Distance: 10 Meters,
Position: Stand/2 Hand, Temp: +8C, Sun+Cloud, No wind, SCORE: 113/150 1X