Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => OPEN - 10m OFF HAND AIR RIFLE MATCH - Post Results => : Big_Bill November 30, 2009, 03:57:39 AM

: POST SCORE: "OPEN" - 10m OFF HAND Air Rifle Match #44
: Big_Bill November 30, 2009, 03:57:39 AM


Come join the "FUN" !!!!!

Enjoy a virtual fun shoot with your GTA friends !!!!!

: RE: POST SCORE: "OPEN" - 10m OFF HAND Air Rifle Match #44
: Magnum December 03, 2009, 12:46:17 AM
10m Open A.R. standing position, Diana 350 magnum, leapers 3-9x50AO, .22 rws meisterkugeln , score 188
: Score: 153, Open Rifle-10M, Match# 44
: gamo2hammerli December 03, 2009, 03:20:09 AM

Very mild Dec. early evening.... +6C but had abit of wind, at least it was blowing towards the targets.

Rifle: RWS Diana 24, Sights: Bushnell Banner 3X9-40mm 6X, Pellet: .177 CPHP, Distance: 10 Meters,

Position: Stand/Off Hand, Temp: +6C, Sun, 15kph wind, SCORE: 153/200

: RE: Score 198 6X GTA Open Rifle Offhand Standing 10m Match #44
: bcshooter December 03, 2009, 05:50:55 AM
(http://../jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-smile.gif)This round looks a bit shaky...did not group as well as it should but I'll take it. GTA Open Rifle Offhand Standing 10m Match #44 * Diana 54 .177cal w/Leapers 4-16x50 AO/IR Scope * RWS SuperMagWadcutter .177cal 9.30gr * Score 198 6X
: SCORE: 138 OPEN - 10m OFF HAND Air Rifle Match #44
: Toolmaker December 03, 2009, 11:57:51 AM
I've been shooting a couple of the pistol matches the last few weeks. My 1377c is torn down right now 'cause I'm making some more goodies for it. I decided to drag out my B3 "beater" and have a try at a rifle match. Not too bad considering my scope won't stay put, it keeps "walking" toward the rear, the stock is cracked in several places, and I had to bend the barrel just to be able to sight in my scope.

 B3, Weaver 2.5X scope, Daisy .177 wadcutters, 10M standing off-hand, Score 138/200 2X

: RE: POST SCORE: "OPEN" - 10m OFF HAND Air Rifle Match #44
: JQR December 06, 2009, 01:19:40 PM
We have so few shooters in these matches, I feel obilgated to post something.... been a really bad week as I prepare for my job ending 1/1/10... I haven't shot a thing but I will be back.
On the bright side - I wasn't really happy with my job and I actually feel good about this. Much less stressed than I was. Of course that could change in this job market. We'll see. It's all good for now but no targets for me this week.
: RE: POST SCORE: "OPEN" - 10m OFF HAND Air Rifle Match #44
: JDnearAC December 06, 2009, 01:53:02 PM
B26 w/ centerpoint 4-16X40
Meisterkugln pellets .177
10 Meter Offhand

Score: 169
: RE: POST SCORE: "OPEN" - 10m OFF HAND Air Rifle Match #44
: JDnearAC December 06, 2009, 01:56:54 PM
Try again