Gateway To Product Reviews => Pellet Reviews => : paul March 26, 2007, 12:32:32 PM
I just rec. order of Predator and tomahawks Sat. ,so after work Sunday ,i decided to find out what my viper likes,so in a very relaxed setting ,no hurry,no worries,i set up card board and felt marked 5 bullseyes,at 22yds.Using Genes idea and shadows about rest,i slowly sweezed off 10 pellets at each spot,taking my time and concentration. First up was Predator,each shot made its own hole ,none touching,but not bad,couple of fliers.
Next was Tomahawks,very little differance,next up,gamo hunters,a little tight but with long flyers,,next raptors,several ragged edges and some long distance flyersand final up,crosman premier h.p.,it shot more ragged edges than all others.So,i found vipers favorite food,yea right. I put up another clean card board and felt marked a couple of spots,shot 5 crosman h.p. pellets ,so i could zero scope in,all 5 shots were horizontal from right to left, checked scope for lose,but was tight,fired 5 tomahawks nice group,best yet, fired 5 predators ,worst group ,fired 5 crosman h.p. several ragged holes. So my ? is,if i shoot differant pellets,can fouling or residue from each brands of pellet change p.o.i. of pellets. Thanks,Paul
Good question Paul...:) No, I do not think that the different residue from the the different pellets will cause a problem.." My Opinion" :)
Always try one pellet out. Like the tamahawks... Site your scope with those... then try others.. if you are aiming at the same spot every time you will notice that the different pellets will shoot in different areas around bulls you are shooting at.. Once you find the group that is the tightest then reset your scope to that pellet.. Thats how I do it... hehe
That's how I do it also Gene. I usually use a "tried and true" pellet, like the superdomes or CPH or JSB EXacts, sight the gun in then proceed to fire 10 shot groups from all the pellets I have. Like you said, each pellet brand may strike differently on the target but I'm really checking for is the grouping size for that pellet. After I'm done I see which pellet gave the tightest groups and then re-zero the scope for that pellet.
I guess I ain't weird after all Jeff... lol Took me a couple thousand pellets and alot of frustration before I figuered that out... hehe
That about how i did this test. i held crosshair dead on for all shots,one type of pellet would shoot tight,then after grouping all other pellets,i would fire that my best pellet again and would shoot bad after i shot other pellets .Drves me nuts.
One thing I've learned Paul is that if I reach a point during a shooting session where I'm really getting frustrated I make myself take an extended break from the shooting, because once I get frustrated all I'm doing is wasting lead.
I go get a cup of coffee, spend some time on GTA, or get something to eat. After 45 minutes or so I'll sit back down at the shooting bench, take a deep breath, clear my head and start all over. It's amazing how much better I'll shoot after one of my "frustration breaks".
And if I'm REALLY frustrated I'll just pack it in for the day and start over tomorrow. Mental concentration is as big a part of shooting accuracy as any of the other physical mechanics of shooting.
I agree with what Gene and Jeff said and to me shooting is kind of a relaxed concentration. Sometimes you find the pellet that makes your baby happy right away and sometimes youv'e got to sort through a few to find that match.Remember, your baby will alway's be there waiting for you so there's no rush and once you get your rest the way you like it, it will all come together. Ed
I print a bunch of nice concentric circle targets, and shoot 10 rounds of each pellet on a seperate target, labeling them.
Then you can go back and see just what happened at your leisure, and decide what you're going to do.
Relaxed is not a problem neither is consentration,the whole problem was that my new Viper came with a Gamo-3X9 varible scope with ajustable lighted center spot,,problem was the dot in scope was a smig larger than the bullseye at 22yds.,so that thru out the presice aiming point,each time i fired shot. So, i mounted an extra Bushnell banner3X8 var. with regular crosshairs.I fired 2 rounds they both ragged each other about 1" left,i zeroed in and fired about 7 shots over several hours,lol. because i,m suppose to be working. All 7 shots at 22yds,hit in bullseye ,infact i used a dime to make the bullseye.That even surprized me,i didnt think pellet guns could do that,and only 2 fliers ,but they still cut the dime size spot.
So now i will put gamo on M.L. rifle and put my simmons 3X9 vari. on viper..BTW, all 7 shots were tomahawks,that made me happy because i just rec. them sat.
Glad to hear ya got it all sorted out. :)
Thanks Jeff and everyones comments.
Bravo guy, very happy to hear that. Ed