PCP - HPA - C02 Gate => Crosman Discovery Forum => : gregebby February 21, 2010, 03:34:52 AM

: Barrel Band for disco?
: gregebby February 21, 2010, 03:34:52 AM
Are there any drawbacks/concerns to be aware of when adding an additional barrel band to the Discovery?
: RE: Barrel Band for disco?
: shearload February 21, 2010, 04:45:35 AM
I added one up near the muzzle on mine, after trying the original one in various positions.  Moving the original one around resulted in POI shifts for me, as the pressure tube shortens when the pressure drops, and also because the design depends on that clamp, in its original position, to help keep the receiver in positon on the pressure tube.  I found, after adding the new one near the muzzle, that it worked best if I left out the set-screw that clamps it to the barrel.  If it clamped to both the the pressure tube and barrel, I got POI shifts as the pressure in the tube dropped.  Someone offers a front clamp that is grooved for an o-ring around the barrel, to let the pressure tube move freely.  My Marauder has a front band like that.  

I wanted a front band to keep the barrel from getting knocked around, not to keep it clamped.  So leaving out the top set-screw worked for me.  

: RE: Barrel Band for disco?
: gregebby February 21, 2010, 05:17:12 AM
Hi Dale, Thanks for Info!

Ya, This is going to be a hunting gun and worried about knocking it out of alignment while doing so. I didn't want to solve one problem only to create another, if ya know what I mean.