PCP - HPA - C02 Gate => Crosman Discovery Forum => : ray1377 March 08, 2010, 12:46:47 PM

: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: ray1377 March 08, 2010, 12:46:47 PM
I'm curious if you fellows "especially the hunters of the group" could tell me what pellet your .22 caliber disco works best with?
I'm thinking most shots average around 30 to 40 yds.
I need weight , brand, and especially where you bought them.
And did the place have good prices and excellent shipping?
Thanks Ray
: RE: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: 21grains March 08, 2010, 01:14:59 PM
Pyrmyad Air   H&N Baracuda match   Buy 3 get 1 free  3x$8=$24 for 4 tins Best Price -Best Pellet for Disco.....Franky
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: mlrs_27m March 08, 2010, 02:46:17 PM
Mine also loves the H&N Baracuda match pellets. By far the best pellet. It also likes the JSB Exact Diablo Heavy 10.2 pellets. Those are the only two I will use in my disco.
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: arnie3981 March 08, 2010, 04:08:01 PM
Beeman Kodiaks are damn accurate in mine. For 30 yards and pest kills, I use the predators.
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: p.k.hansen March 08, 2010, 04:51:30 PM
So far mine has loved anything from JSB
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: longislandhunter March 08, 2010, 11:08:29 PM
I'll be shooting my new .22 disco for the first time later today and sighting it in for hunting so I'll let ya know what it likes to eat  :)

: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: ray1377 March 09, 2010, 01:13:52 AM
Thanks Jeff
I can't wait for you to post your findings here.
I've just ordered all the parts to build my own disco pistol  in .22 caliber.
Its gonna be long and cool.
I'm needing to order some .22 pellets today so they will be here by the time I get the parts from Crosman and get it built.
I'm a .177 man from way back, so this .22 stuff is all new to me.
I can hardly wait!!!!!!!!!!1
Thanks Ray
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: 21grains March 09, 2010, 02:04:48 AM
Ray welcome to the .22 darkside when you see and HEAR the power of .22 PCP You'll never go back to the Girley cal.....Franky
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: ray1377 March 09, 2010, 03:19:58 AM
To be honest, I've sorta stayed away from .22 because of the local stores having crappy pellet selection in .22 caliber.
The local wallyworld only has the daisy wadcutters in.22, thats it!! No hunting pellets or nothing.
I can drive 30 miles to Dicks Sporting Goods but they have Gamo stuck up their butt bad.
Thats why I wanted opinions on the best pellet for a .22 because when I buy them, I'll buy them in "bulk" to save me on shipping and being prepared to keep from running out.
Plus, there are some rather large "night time" critters coming around my house that will require a "MAGNUM" touch if you  know what I mean :)
Thanks Ray
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: arnie3981 March 09, 2010, 03:30:46 AM
How can I build my own Disco Pistol in 22? Pointers please!
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: ray1377 March 09, 2010, 03:58:40 AM
You can do a search like I did and read "everything" you can about it.
I wish I could tell you more in detail but my parts aren't even here yet.
I can tell you one thing.
I'm using a full size disco pressure tube, not cut down.
I'm wanting as many shots as possible.
So my pistol is gonna be more like a rifle with a pistol grip on it.
I also ordered the crosman stock so I can make it a carbine later if I want to.
Don't worry, I'll post pics as soon as I get it built!!!!!!
: RE: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: CitySniper March 09, 2010, 04:01:56 AM
I've been shooting my first .22 for the past week..,And I am probably never going back to .177!  I was having way too many over penetration shots, and the prey would not go down. I have not had the chance to test on the crows yet, but i can say is it can shoot through my metal gas tank container

I feel bad for anything in my sights
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: ray1377 March 09, 2010, 04:09:46 AM
Contact Darren at pacificpelletguns .com
He's the disco pistol building guru from what I've heard.
You can also look up JeffS either on the yellow or the green crosman forums.
He's done tons of stuff with 2240's and PCP's
hope this helps
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: noisemedia March 09, 2010, 07:18:48 AM
To answer the original question I've had good luck with Predators, H&N Barracudas, JSB 18's, Beeman FTS, RWS Super H point, Crosman premier, and H&N Field Targets just to name a few...As far as the best I'd say its between the JSB 18's and the H&N Field Targets. Of course that's just my experience.
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: ray1377 March 09, 2010, 07:36:32 AM
Thats great, and just what I wanted to here.
Good honest, solid, field tested, tried and true answers.
Keep them coming!!
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: longislandhunter March 09, 2010, 09:34:11 AM

Okay Ray,,, I just got finished doing "grouping tests" at 30 yards with all my .22 cal pellets and also did the final sight in for my new disco.   Here are the results...

The following pellets gave me ragged hole groups: 

Beeman FTS

JSB 18.1 grain domed

JSB "Big Boys"  (not sure of the weight but they are huge)


The following pellets gave me dime sized groups: 



Crosman Pointed 


The following pellets gave me quarter sized groups:

Crow Mags

Gamo Hunters






The following pellets gave very poor groups: 

JSB Exact Express 14.3 gr

JSB Exact 15.1 gr

Gamo Rockets  (BB in tip)

Silver Bears

Daisy Wads


I wound up doing the final sight in at 30 yards with the Beeman FTS because I have about a dozen tins of them, I've hunted with them before and they've performed well for me and also because I want to save the 18.1 gr JSB's for my Talon and Condor since both guns love em.  I never intended to sight the rifle in for the JSB "Big Boys", those pellets are reserved for my Condor but I just wanted to see how they would shoot and I was really impressed, although you could tell their fps was much lower than all the other pellets due to the sheer weight of them.  


I have to say I am really impressed with this .22 disco.  The accuracy is amazing, I'm getting 35 good shots in a string and I the stock trigger is actually very nice and predictable with a nice crisp break and a great "feel" to it.   My rifle's sweet spot starts  right around 1800 psi and the stock, which is a bit longer than the stock on my .177, is very comfortable due to the extra few inches of length.


To say that I'm thrilled with the rifle would be an understatement.  I've got her all aired up and ready for her first hunt at the duck farm.  Now I just need the woodchucks to wake up and come out and play  :)




: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: ray1377 March 09, 2010, 09:40:45 AM
Thanks a bunch Jeff.
Thats a ton of help.
Hope others can benefit from your information.
Thanks Ray
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: ray1377 March 09, 2010, 09:55:29 AM

I hate to trouble you any further but do you think you could go to Pyramid Air and maybe post the links to the Crosman Pointed pettets your speaking of??
I looked but after a few minutes they all look alike to me!!!! ha ha ha
Thanks Ray
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: 21grains March 09, 2010, 09:56:16 AM
Jeff thanks for great info. What month and year was Your Disco made,seems to stack JSBs purty good. Mine likes Cudas. Gamo Hunters are ok,Disco the only gun I have that shoots hunters any good at all....Franky
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: longislandhunter March 09, 2010, 10:13:24 AM
Ray, here ya go, here's the link to the Crosman Pointed pellets I was shooting......

It really surprised me how well they shot because almost all of my guns absolutely hate those pellets, I wasn't even going to try them but I figured what the heck.  Now I'm glad I tried em  :)

Frank,,, I'm not sure when my gun was produced.  I'll get it out of the safe later and take a look at the serial #......

: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: ray1377 March 09, 2010, 01:54:49 PM
Also, which kodiaks?
And was this the superdomes?

I'm sorry for so many questions but I can't get .22 pellets any other way but ordering off the internet.
So I really need to be sure what kind to get so I can order alot and not be dissappointed or end up with 500 or 1000 pellets that shoot like crap in my gun.
Thanks Ray
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: longislandhunter March 09, 2010, 02:57:39 PM
Yup, those are the Superdomes.  

As for the kodiaks.... here's the link.....

They are out of stock, they usually are, but I've read that the  "H & N" Barracudas are the same pellet under a different name.  

Last year when I heard that the Kodiaks might become hard to find I stocked up on them big time so I have enough to last me quite some time.

: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: ray1377 March 10, 2010, 03:04:51 AM
I just ordered some H&N Barracuda Match
I'll see how good they work in my disco setup.
Thanks All
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: ray1377 March 10, 2010, 06:08:52 AM
What I really need is to find somebody "HINT-JEFF-HINT"  who has a ton of different kind of pellets who could send me say 20 of each kind so I could try them in my disco and see which ones it likes best.
I could do that and when I find what it likes best, place an order for them and then get that person who shared his pellets with me a "can" or "tin" of his favorite kind to pay him back.
I've been told that each disco has a different appetite.
I'm sure hoping for good results with those H&N's
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: 21grains March 10, 2010, 07:34:05 AM
Ray all of us have gone through the pellet thing for every gun We own. H&N Baracuda Match are My go to pellet for Disco. Supperdomes 14.5 are best in My FWB127 since Mount Star Jets 15.15 (Japan) vanished from market......Franky
PS. Some of the English airriffel  sites have pellet swap shops, 20 for 20. between each other to test thier guns. alot of them are looking for CPs.w/JSB in return, I'll take that deal, but $100 shipping  ha   ha   ha
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: DaveShooter March 23, 2010, 02:44:30 AM
Mine shoots the RWS 14.5 grain SuperPoint Extra. It will eat the center out of a target, and is deadly on Squrriels.
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: 21grains March 23, 2010, 05:56:39 AM
Hi Dave; RWS SP 14.5 Shoot very good out to 30yrds in My early Walnut Disco. After 40yrds can't even hit the backstop.Try Kodiak/Baracuda heavy pellets they do the business in PCPs. Look at the B.C. of Pellets  after 40yrds with PCP velocity, bet You shot Your last light Pellet in a PCP.....Franky
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: DaveShooter March 23, 2010, 03:33:24 PM
Thanks I use 18.2 Beman Crowmags in my 22 cal M-rod and 10.5 gr in my 177 cal M-rod. I will try some 21 grainers soon.
: RE: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: GatorGunner March 27, 2010, 03:18:38 PM
I'm not sure where you live (CSA covers a number of Southern states), but Bass Pro Shop here in Atlanta carries a pretty good line of .22 pellets.  RWS, Crosman, Benjamin (actually Crosman), even the polymag predators.  I bought a tin of polymags the other day and some RWS Meisterkugeln were in stock there.  The RWS pellets shoot great in my Marauder.  

You can get pellets cheaper at PA as I'm sure you already know, but Bass Pro Shop is a good local source if your running low or in a tight for good pellets.
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: ray1377 March 28, 2010, 02:40:36 PM
Thanks to all who offered their real world advice.
I ended up getting the H&N Barracuda Match in 21.1 grain and my Disco pistol loves them.
Dime size groups are no problem at 30 yds.
And the knockdown punch is awesome.
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: triry March 29, 2010, 03:13:50 AM
ray....out of curiousity,...what velocities are the 21 grain pellets doing in your disco ??
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: ray1377 March 29, 2010, 03:47:16 AM
Don't know, chrony quit and I ain't got a new one yet!
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: 21grains March 29, 2010, 11:54:54 AM
Triry; I'm getting 711av out of my Disco w/ 21.1  Kodiak/Baracuda.....Franky
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: triry March 29, 2010, 12:01:00 PM
franky,...thanks !! im finding my disco thrives on the heavier pellets. i watched steve ( autoduel) take several 100 yard plus shots with his bullpup m-rod using 21 grain pellets; theres a definite thwack when they hit the target, even at the long range !
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: ray1377 March 29, 2010, 01:24:07 PM
Hey Triry
I hooked up the ole notebook pc this evening and ran SoftChrono to get you some numbers.
My .22 Disco pistol is pushing those 21 grain Barracuda Match to an average of 770 fps.
With a low of 768 and a high of 772.
It really makes a racket when you pull the trigger!!
Hope this helps.
: Re: Best pellet you feed you Disco???
: triry March 29, 2010, 02:34:25 PM
thanks ray !! those heavy pellets sure are nice for bucking a crosswind..!!