PCP - HPA - C02 Gate => Crosman Discovery Forum => : Big_Bill April 03, 2010, 10:55:16 AM
I have been going through the posts looking for information on the best .177 cal, pellet for the Disco. But all that I have found is information om the .22 cal. models .
Any info. would be greatly appreciated, Thanks,
Hey Bill,,,,,
My .177 Disco absolutely loves the cheap CPHP's that I pick up in Walmart. I'll go through my records for the rifle and see what else it liked. :)
HI Bill, mine likes the Crosman 10.5 gr. Utlra Mags.That is a good thing because they are cheaper than the boxed CPH. I get about 30 good shots in the 860 fps range before the poa starts to become a factor.
Same here.
My .177 disco loves the walmart $6.96 for 500 Crosman Premiere Hollow Points.
Hitting dime size targets at 40 yards is a piece of cake.
Thanks Guys,
I'm so new to this, I'm just trying to get my ducks aligned, and this is a great help !!!
I'm putting in a pellet order so I have the right stuff to shoot ! lol
Thanks again !
Bill, the number 1 pellet for my .177 Disco is the Crosman Ultramag (10.5) which is a heavier pellet. Try it; mine loves it!
Brother Bill my .177 loves the Predators go figure hehe. Ed
Thanks Ed,
That's one pellet that you can depend on with almost every air rifle :o
I need to know which cheap pellets it likes ! :) To plink with. lol
I'm gonna need some trigger time on this baby, just to see how she works ! $$$predators$$$
Mine shoots CP heavies in a ragged hole at 30 yards and i get 32 shots at an average 868 fps. my fill pressure is 2100 and it goes down to 1200 by the 32nd shot. i can still shoot it an my first sub 800 fps shot is number 47. teh heavies are great long distance ammo.
She likes the CP heavies also but I'm getting tighter groups with the Pred's. Ed
Big Bill: Below picture are targets are 5 round groups from the10M range in the basement going through the pellet collection looking for the most accurate. What came out on top are from best to worst: Beeman Kodiak (right target) Crosman Premeir (box version) (right target) JSB Diablo Heavies (right target Eujin (right target) The rest aren't worth the effort (terrible groups) ( (¤t=IMG_1843.jpg) Semper Fi Tom
- note, the BB Points you see in the left target...not sure what the name of the pellet is...but they are the ones with the copper BB fused to the lead pellet. They're pretty accurate in my Disco also.
PS...The group labeled "Gretchen" was my wife shooting...don't remember what pellet....but it's definitely not a type of pellet...never really intended to share these targets, but keep them for reference. Thought they'd be useful to you.
10.5 Crosman all the way . My 177 cal Mrod also shoots them like a dream as did my 177 cal Disco....
Thanks fellow members !!!!!
I appreciate this information very much !!!
I have placed my order for these pellets and a few of the heavier ones to try out. :)
I continue my journey into the DARK SIDE :)
CP Heavies rock. Though, i see that the leave a lot of residue in the barrel. Do you guys wash and/or lube them before shooting?
Hi guys,
Does the crossman disco have it in 25 cal/ I recently bought a Marauder 25 with air pyr and their prices went up, while AoA prices went down, I have not called to check with AoA their prices on the 25 cl but on their site it say Benjamin Marauder at 399. thats 100 $ less than air pyr.
I am still breaking it in cuz a lot of problems with air pyr about adaptors, they sent me a wrong pump, almost got a heart attack pumping with no adaptor. Im a newbie on pcp.
thanks what ever input.
Hi guys,
Does the crossman disco have it in 25 cal/ I recently bought a Marauder 25 with air pyr and their prices went up, while AoA prices went down, I have not called to check with AoA their prices on the 25 cl but on their site it say Benjamin Marauder at 399. that's 100 $ less than air pyr.
I am still breaking it in cuz a lot of problems with air pyr about adaptors, they sent me a wrong pump, almost got a heart attack pumping with no adaptor. I'm a newbie on pcp.
thanks what ever input.
I just shoot the things.....