Gateway To Product Reviews => Air Gun Mods and Tunes => : toddk63 April 03, 2010, 06:24:26 PM
Well I got my tuned Mendoza RM 600 back together only to find the trigger is not working right. After cocking it , the first stage trigger is extremely tight when firing. In order to remove the mainspring, the trigger assembly has to be partially disassembled. I only realized this as the parts were falling out of the trigger assembly after I pulled the pin out to release the mainspring. I have the following diagram, but a better one on the trigger and some practical experience would be helpful here.
I suspect I have the trigger springs (46) in backwards, but don't know for sure. I am out of time and dead tired now. Will have to pick up this problem next week sometime. Any one have any experience with these Mendoza two stage triggers?
Todd K.
The trick there is to make your own dummy pin which is of the same diameter as the one that locks the trigger block to the compression tube. Make sure that the length of the dummy pin is just enough to clear the thickness of the compression or else you can't slide the trigger block away easily. What I meant by that is that the dummy pin should be of the same length as the diameter of the trigger block housing (or tinny, winny, smaller than the I.D. of the compression tube). Without this jig it would take you a lot of time and effort to disassemble and assemble them. I'll see if I can make a picture of it.
With regards to the double trigger blade of the RM Mendoza airguns it is one of the simplest and ingenious type of pseudo 2-stage triggers available. Just take off the pins and don't worry if the small springs fall off. The trick here again is to glue the tension springs of the 2 trigger blades to the trigger blade holes itself (I use superglue but just a very small amount). Just a small amount to let it dry and make a hard cement on the spring and the trigger blade. Now, when you insert them back (the trigger blades) to the trigger block they will keep their location and you can just use a precision long nose pliers to insert the other end of the tension springs to the safety mechanism part of the trigger block. If you have done this it will only take you less than 15 minutes to fully assemble the trigger assembly to the tube and fully assemble your airgun in about 10 minutes.
I made the same mistake the first time I took my Mendoza RM200 apart. I took me an hour to get the springs back in place. You may have it back together properly but it may need some oil. When you cock the gun make sure that you cock it all the way until the spring sets and the trigger internals contact the safety spring. Is the safety working? Do you need to move the safety to the fire position before you can pull the trigger? If not, then oil the trigger right behind the safety spring and shoot the gun a few dozen times. If that doesn't help then send me a PM and I will try to help you check the trigger assembly. Good luck. I just read Speedturtle's post. The pin he is talking about to replace the trigger pin should be 7/8 of an inch long. I made one out of plastic. I had not thought of using glue to attach one end of the spring prior to reassembly. That's pretty smart.
Fixed it...Finally
So I tried putting the springs in the other way around. No way. And the above diagram does clearly show them going the way I originally had them. Now I was near a complete mental breakdown when I decided to straighten the springs. One was clearly bent in a funny way and the other not so much . And that was the way I found them. Maybe I bent them getting them out. Dunno.. Put in newly straightened springs and every thing works perfect. What a relief. I would not have thought that little cant in the spring would affect it like that.
Todd K.
This is the orientation of the spring relative to the trigger blades:
I've been out of the forum for a while, so how do I post the pics again? LOL!
Glad to hear that you got it fixed. Make that replacement pin now and set it aside and the next time you have to take it apart it will be a breeze. Happy Easter!
Thanks for all the quick and accurate help guys!