Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => OPEN - 5m AIR PISTOL MATCH - 1 OR 2 HANDED - Post => : gamo2hammerli April 05, 2010, 06:34:51 AM
Very great scores last week. crowpopper wins the GOLD, JQR earns the SILVER and dademoss rounds out the podium with BRONZE. Exceptional scores from crowpopper since he shot this match at 10 meters distance!!!! Congratulations to all the participants.
Member PistolSights PelletPositionSCORE
crowpopperBeeman P1Open Sights.177 Copperhead Hyper Vel Wad 2 Hand145
JQR IZH 46MOpen Sights .177 Gamo Match1 Hand136
dademoss Crosman 2300Scoped 2X .177 Daisy Wad1 Hand 135
SuwanneeDaveHW 75Open Sights .177 RWS Meisterkulgen Wad 1 Hand128
gamo2hammerli RWS Dians P5Fiber Optics.177 Crosman Wad1 Hand 99