Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => 10m TARGET AIR PISTOL MATCH => : gamo2hammerli April 05, 2010, 07:14:05 AM

: Post Target Pistol 10M, Match# 14 Yr.2 scores....
: gamo2hammerli April 05, 2010, 07:14:05 AM please. Some very fine target shooting last week...let's improve on that.


: RE: Post Target Pistol 10M, Match# 14 Yr.2 scores....
: TAJ45 April 05, 2010, 11:54:26 AM
OK, trying to sort this 46M out.  Something has gone very awry for the last several weeks.  Somehow, I think I've modded the grips to where my hand / trigger finger is cramping up a bit.  Read something similar on the BE board a month or so back so need to revisit it and see what I can find out.

Anyway, put the stock grips back on, wedged my hand in using the palm shelf and managed:

92 3X, 46M, irons, H&N, offhand.   Not where I was moving to before the slump but a lot better than where I've been the last few weeks.................ahh, life's ups and downs.

G2H PM'd me so I replied with the score for last week.  NIce fella to do all this work EVERY week.  A tip o' the chapeau to you, mon ami.
: RE: Post Target Pistol 10M, Match# 14 Yr.2 scores....
: gamo2hammerli April 06, 2010, 04:34:16 PM
Thanks Tom/TAJ45, just doing my little part to keep the GTA Target Shooting matches running.
: Score: 77, Target Pistol-10M, Match# 14 Yr.2
: gamo2hammerli April 07, 2010, 06:39:47 PM

Last match of the evening....starting to get dark in the cloudy evening.

Pistol: Crosman 1377, Sights: Open Sights, Pellet: .177 Crosman Wad, Distance: 10 Meters,

Position: Stand/One Hand, Temp: +13C, Cloud, No wind, SCORE: 77/100

: Re: Post Target Pistol 10M, Match# 14 Yr.2 scores....
: ac12basis April 08, 2010, 05:38:46 AM
Do NOT wedge your hand w the palm rest.
If the palm rest is too high, when you squeeze the grip, the expanding muscles in your hand will cause your hand to lift away from the grip.

The key part of the palm rest is the back of the rest.  That is a lever point.  The weight of the front of the AP will pull down the front of the AP, causing the rear of the AP to lift up.  The part that lifts and thus counters the front from going down is the back part of the palm rest.  I adjust the palm rest to best counter the front of the AP from pulling down w/o making it too tight.
: RE: Post Target Pistol 10M, Match# 14 Yr.2 scores....
: Magnum April 08, 2010, 10:32:39 AM
Target Pistol 10m match Standing One Hand, Crosman 2300s, Hawke dot 1x, .177 Beretta ultra match, Score 84
: Re: Post Target Pistol 10M, Match# 14 Yr.2 scores....
: TAJ45 April 09, 2010, 09:09:11 AM
Ah, Tony.  Looks like you have "Tenitis"................A relatively round group but mostly 'round the 10 ring but precious few in.  Looking at your tgts, it looks like 70% execution which is good but I know you are wanting to corral those flyers.  They sure do eat a score up.  

My tgts of late would seem to have a lead repellent in the center.  Funny, shot a 91-1X and 93-2X last night with my hand wedged.  Not very comfy will try and whittle some mo' this w/e twixt yard work forays.  Changing oil now in one vehicle.  Gonna be a full w/e.  How about you guys?  We have temps in the 70°'s which is down from the high 80's earlier.  Waaaayyyy too hot waayyy too soon.
: Re: Post Target Pistol 10M, Match# 14 Yr.2 scores....
: Magnum April 09, 2010, 11:30:59 PM
Hey Tom, ya your right about the tenitis its amazing how my ol shaky hands can cirle around the ring like that heh:) Temps here have been really nice which can be both good and bad  my honey do list just gets bigger! Tony
: Re: Post Target Pistol 10M, Match# 14 Yr.2 scores....
: gamo2hammerli April 12, 2010, 04:17:47 AM
Heh heh, I don't have TENitis....I'm just a bad pistol shooter.  I don't practice enough....mostly I grab for my air rifles.

Very windy weekend up here....chilly in the morning but heated up to the low teens C.  Where we shoot there's lots of Evergreens behind us so that blocked the wind to zero.