Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => OPEN - 5m AIR PISTOL MATCH - 1 OR 2 HANDED - Post => : gamo2hammerli April 12, 2010, 04:02:12 AM

: Post Open Pistol 5M, Match# 15 Yr.2 scores....
: gamo2hammerli April 12, 2010, 04:02:12 AM please. Fine target shooting last week...let's improve on that. SHOOT OFTEN SHOOT SAFE
: Score: 129, Open Pistol-5M, Match# 15 Yr.2
: gamo2hammerli April 16, 2010, 06:32:08 AM

Last match of the week....and just in time, the rain and wind for the weekend is starting.

Pistol: RWS Diana P5 Magnum, Sights: Fiber Optics, Pellet: .177 Crosman Wad, Distance: 5 Meters,

Position: Stand/One Hand, Temp: +12C, Sun, 10kph wind, SCORE: 129/150

: RE: Post Open Pistol 5M, Match# 15 Yr.2 scores....
: dademoss April 18, 2010, 01:34:21 AM

I am just too lazy to shoot outside, I dont have a target and backstop set up yet. Maybe I will add it to the project list :)

131/150 1X Crosman 2300, 1 handed, 2X scope .177 Daisy Wadcutters, 5M


: 139 Open Pistol 5M, Match# 15 Yr.2 scores....
: JQR April 18, 2010, 02:30:16 PM
Shot with the Izzy 46m again (not that it's a bad thing). Sight picture is very much the same on this black inner at this distance as on the match pistol at 10m. Problem is that I just can't seem to focus on the sights and target at a mere 5m... I need new contacts (or maybe bifocals).

Weapon:   IZH 46M   
Pellet:   Gamo Match Wad .177
Dist/Pos:   5m / Standing / 2 Hand
Score   139   

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