Gateway To Product Reviews => Air Gun Mods and Tunes => : turbonoma April 26, 2010, 08:34:00 AM
Installed my new match trigger today. Ralph did a nice job with this one.I'll be fine tuning it asap once the weather clears up,been raining lately.
Lets try this again
WOW how adjustable is that trigger? and how much did that cost and who made it?
Mark 611 - 4/25/2010 7:39 PM
WOW how adjustable is that trigger? and how much did that cost and who made it?
These are the adjustment instructions supplied by RCnMo. You can contact him for availability.
Basically, the first screw (closest to the pivot hole) is your first stage adjustment. The second screw is the second stage adjustment and the screw on the blade is the over travel screw. Initially, I would recommend unscrewing the over travel screw until there are no threads showing on the back side of the blade.You can make all the adjustments with the rifle re assembled. Once it is installed and the new trigger pull weight screw is inserted, adjust the first and second stage screws to your liking. Once you've found your sweet spot, turn the over travel screw in until the rifle fires with minimal overtravel, ie, about .030" over travel. Ideally, with this trigger, I set it up to have a long first stage pull and it will come to a 'stop' once it hits this 'stop', that is your second stage. It should be adjusted to just be a crisp break and the rifle will fire. The over travel screw keeps the blade from moving any farther rearwards.
you still haven't told me where I can get one and how much.
Here's a diagram of the trigger
its a beautiful trigger a nice set up!
Anyone wanting to contact Ralph in regards to this trigger can email him at: Let him know Tony referred you.
thanks Tony!
I want to thank Tony for bringing these triggers to our attention I bought one of these triggers off Ralph and they are awsome, I would highly recomend one to anyone who wants to have more control over thier trigger! These triggers are truely fully adjustable and you can make precise adjustments to your liking truely changes the way your gun will shoot with better trigger control so thanks again Tony!
Glad you like it.Hope others with B26 rifles take a look at these triggers.My thanks to SpeedTurtle who let me on to them.By the way,Mark to what weight did you adjust yours? Mine is set to 3 7/8ozs.
I'm not sure of the weight but I'd guess its oz"s very nice trigger!