Target Shooting by Match - Match Results => OPEN - 5m AIR PISTOL MATCH - 1 OR 2 HANDED - Post => : gamo2hammerli May 03, 2010, 02:42:06 AM

: Results Open Pistol 5M, Match# 17 Yr.2
: gamo2hammerli May 03, 2010, 02:42:06 AM
Excellent target shooting from our members last week; Brutuz wins the GOLD, Magnum earns the SILVER and dademoss brought home the BRONZE. A big welcome to our new target shooter wingshooter21 and returning shooter Brutuz. Congratulations to all the participants. Looks like everyone used a Crosman pistol in this match this time.

Member Pistol Sights PelletPosition SCORE

Brutuz Cros 2240 hollow probe Open Sights .22 RWS Hobby 2 H, Seated 149 3X

Magnum Crosman 2300S Hawke Dot 1X.177 Beretta Ultra Match 2 Hand 141 2X

dademossCrosman 2300 Scoped 2X .177 Daisy Wad1 Hand 137 1X

wingshooter21 Crosman 1377c Red Dot 1X.177Crosman Wad2 Hand134

gamo2hammerli Crosman 1377 Open Sights .177 Crosman Wad1 Hand 132 2x