Gateway To Product Reviews => Air Gun Reviews => : Mike Lykins May 12, 2010, 02:35:51 AM
I thought I would post this as I have had many folks wanting to know
After having a great weekend playing with the 800 mag & around 1000 rounds put through it she has definitely smoothed out.
At first the cocking was a bit rough & sear engagement would not stay put, so after putting some locktite on sear engagement screw & mounting a 2X pistol scope on her I am please with it's performance.
Crosman/Benjamin Hollow Points Dome... 14.30gr 485-495fps around 7.63fpe
Daisy Precision Max Wad cutter.............. 14.30gr 500-510fps around 8.09fpe
Beeman/H&N Laser Semi Dome............. 13.36gr 515-525fps around 8.02fpe
H&N Hollow Point .................................12.65gr 535-545fps around 8.04fpe
The Crosman hollow points fit very tight in bore & were very inconsistent just nasty. Unable to get any descent group out of them. The other three were very well suited for this pistol.
I was very surprised to see how well the Daisy's work
Considering they are the most economical pellet I think one can buy
at a local well know super store $2.50 a can of 250 count Hard to beat that.
These targets I am posting are 5 shot groups at 10meters two hand hold with arms rested on bench
The gun does have a bit of spring buzz to it but that is an easy fix
I have not done any tuning as I wanted it to bed in first then I will strip, clean & relube with good lube
Will keep you posted on that
IMO this pistol is well worth the money for someone that wants a big power spring pistol for pest control, plinking. Would also make a great pistol to put in your survival backpack too. I see no problem at all being able to hunt small game out to 30 yards with well place head shots ( using scope ) If you have my eyes I would not try out that far with iron sights
Crosman / Benjamin Hollow Points
Daisy Precision Max Wad Cutters
H&N Hollow Points
Hope this helps those who were a bit timid about trying this pistol out.
For $149usd to my door I just had to try it out as none of my other buddies would.
I am glad I did. It is a fun pistol to play with & has plenty of punch as you can see from the chrony results.
I have been shooting some of my field targets I have & it sure smacks hard even out at the 30yard Rook I have set up
Hope this help some of you who are looking for a powerful springer to make your mind up
It is by far the most powerful I have had & I have had everything from the HW45/BeemanP1 to some hopped up Co2 rigs
and is no were near as hold sensitive as the P1
Pic of gun with my old 2X scope & mounts
The two pellets I will get for this pistol from now on are the H&N HP & Daisy
Picked these up from around my 30 yard Rook field target
Seems to have plenty of punch even at that distance
Like u I have the 177 version with 3 kills to her name I can cock her without the cocking aid and she is very powerful by far the most powerfull spring pistol on the market my pistol has a thing for miesterkuglins 7 gr wads 2 of her kills were with that pellet I had her for trade since I'm going pcp on my pistols but no one bit so I guess she is a keeper I agree I used blue loctite on the 3 muzzle break screws if u look up browing 800 mag kills in th hunting gate u will see my girl
pindog2000 - 5/12/2010 10:35 I used blue loctite on the 3 muzzle break screws if u look up browing 800 mag kills in th hunting gate u will see my girl
Hhhhm that is interesting regarding your muzzle break as mine only has two screws & they have not come loose even after all the rounds I have put through her.
I did try to remove front sight / muzzle break & found that after removing the two screws in it that it threads off. It is not a slip on
Does your thread off or slip on ?
Also have you chronied your .177 if so what velocities are you getting with the 7grainers ?