PCP - HPA - C02 Gate => Crosman Discovery Forum => : DaveShooter May 14, 2010, 03:22:04 PM
Man is this thing a beast. Got to get her sited in, already got scope on her 3x9x50 Center Point. Got some 31.2 H&N Baracuda's for starters.
What a pellet........
Congratulations! Mine is still a good 10 weeks or more from me and my greasy hands. Please shoot a bunch of stuff and post pictures and make me jealous...
Wish it was me- I thought it was, for a moment, with your handle and all! The .25 is somewhere in my future for sure. Let's see some groups when you get it fired up!
Congrats on the new Mrod. I'll be eagerly looking forward to your testing and shooting results. I've been toying with the idea of hitting the button on one of them but just can't swing it right now.... Congrats again :)
Congratulations. I just got A Discovery but, Imrod is in the future. Let us know how she shoots.
Guys this thing is a beast for sure. Just playing around at 20 yds not sited in wow is all I can say. If ya get one of these puppys you won't be sorry that is for sure........
Congrads Dave. How loud is she compared to the 22 cal Mrod.
It is a little louder than the 177 and the 22 cal, but we have to take into account that this puppy is set at factory for 3000 psi and it pushes more air thus into power or push to the pellet.
You won't get as many shots with the 25 Mrod but you will have more power and alot bigger pellet. man does this rifle shoot.
That awesome Daveshooter, is it however still quiet enough to shoot in a back yard in town? Do you know your FPS? Post some photo's of groups.
Sorry don't take photos. i know I am lame sorry ha ha at least honest. As far as shooting in town shouldn't be too much of an issue depending on how close neighbors are and what your local laws state about shooting airguns etc. I do know I can cover my groups with a dime @ 20 yds and that is good enough for me with a stock out of box rifle. Hope that is of help to ya. Just remember or keep in thot as said by others and myself on forums ;The 177 and 22 cal Mrods are the Quite rifles of the 3 with more shots to offer as well. I get at least 4 mags which is 40 shots from 2500 psi to 2100 psi with my 177 and 22 cal Mrods in comparison to my 25 cal which gets 16 shots say from 3000 psi to 2100 psi. please do not take me wrong i love all the mrods and yes they all rock..... I need to get me a Chrony. Wish i could tell ya more. Get ya one you won't be sorry always make ya an indoor range if ya have too, if being in town or laws or neighbors are the issue. I shoot mine in my basement at 10 to 12 yds on air not co2. I do go to the woods and plink and tree nutter hunted last fall with my 22 cal mrod . Man that baby does a # on sq's for sure. i am gonna shoot my 177 cal today just for giggles....