General Discussion To Gateway To Airguns => The Shop => : Toolmaker May 31, 2010, 08:41:26 AM
Tore into my new to me Daisy 922. It would shoot but was real weak. I was surprised to find a rifled brass barrel and a dump valve. Everything looks pretty good, I believe a good cleaning and a couple of new O-rings will have her up and shootin'. I think a weaker trigger spring will make the trigger feel much better too. It's hard to find Daisy pumper info or pics on the web so here is a pic of the 922 internals:
Oh well, it still won't let me post pics. maybe later...
Well, I replaced 2 O-rings and did some cleanin on the pump tube and she shoots! I tried a weaker spring under the trigger but it wouldn't shoot. The weaker spring couldn't open the dump valve. I don't have a chrony, but at 10M with 10 pumps it will put a wadcutter through both sides of a soup can. My HB22 won't do that (and it ain't stock either)!
I can't leave well enough alone. My 922 was shooting just fine, no problems, and quite accurate too. I emailed Daisy and they sent me a .pdf version of the owners manual. I thought that was outstanding that Daisy would do that for a gun that hasn't been made in 20+ years. Anyhow, per the owners manual, the 922 was only rated at 530 fps at 10 pumps. I thought I'd see if I could improve on that. I made an adjustable delrin piston to see if I can squeeze a little better performance out of it. Here are some pics of the new piston (and the old one) and the complete rifle with a vintage Weaver 2.5X scope. I don't yet have a chrony, but I'll let yall know if I perceive any improvements.
Almost forgot, I also used JB weld to glue the plastic bushing that holds the muzzle end of the barrel liner in place. It was loose in the outer "sleeve".
Well, it seems to shoot a little stronger, nothing drastic though. At 10M it's a tack driver. Below is a 10 shot group shot at 10M with the front of the rifle supported. I was using 6 pumps and Daisy wadcutters.