GTA Regional Shooting Events => S.C. Shooting Events Discussion => : Gene_SC April 27, 2008, 03:25:55 AM
Say bout putting something together. I know distance is sometimes a problem but most of us are off on weekends and that would be a great time to have a fun shoot and get to know one another. Like last year there would be plenty of cold refreshments and possible food. This could be a one day event or two day. Location is yet to be determined but I am sure there is someone who may have ideas on locations where we can get together. Would like as many of you as possible that are interested to think about this and remember one head is not nearly as good as many heads working together..:) This will be a fun shoot and not a competition, although we will have shooting events. Last year we set up in different groups at different times and it was a blast. We had so much fun that David, Jon and a couple others were shooting past 1 am..:) J provided the flood lights and electricity along with a huge location for all of us to shoot in.
If anyone has some ideas to through out lets hear them. We will need some to help with targets and organizing. Lets do it guys and gals.. It will be a blast..:) Oh! and there is no reason why wives and girlfriends can't come. Bring em and lets get em hooked..)
Gene, I had just logged on to ask this very? I think the best thing to do, would be to see how many are interested, then try to get a central location, if possible. I can get a spot in this area, for a get together, but it would need some clearing. Something already set up to shoot would be nice. So how about it guy's and gals, who can get away and when?
Come on guy's I know somebody around here likes to shoot. I can help with any setup, but we need some interest, before we start that. Nothing else you get to test drive alot of airguns, before your next purchase.
Mike, My club has a work day next weekend , I'll ask about using the range for our get-together . To make it work, we'll need quite a few people to commit to attending as it would most likely invlove a usage fee . Or we could have a small gathering of "quiet" air rifle folks at Gene's place. With a little more advance notice and a better weather report , I'll make plans to attend. kirby
David, it would be great to have some thing there and, I for one would rather pay a small fee, alot less work. Ya'll have a very nice setup there, with the bench range, FT and HFT courses. I've got limited access to 40 acres here, but it would need alot of work. If enough people are interested and we can't use your range, I'll get to work. If wives and kids don't want to attend, the beach is very close.
Gene,count us in,what do you need me to do,this is an excellent idea,my girlfriend had surgery a few days ago,she needs some fun- time ....I need a break from NEW YORK........I'm already loading the car.....see ya in about 15 hrs.....LOL!
Count me in - a big yes! Just let me know how I can help. I would love to meet up and put some faces together with the names on the forums. I would also be happy to chip in toward any expenses involved. Just let me know what is needed.
I’m in for sure. Mike, you can count on me to help clean and setup if we can use the available 40 acres you have in mind.
Thanks Gary, this is the spot I told you about, that I wanted to set up a FT range at. It will need ALOT of work to be ready.
Mike, If it’s OK with you I would like to take a ride out there next week to see what all needs to be done.
Gary, I'll have to get with my brother and see when he can go, I don't have a key to the gate. :0 I was told that I can't have a permanent set up there, but could use it for a weekend shoot, occasionally. That's why it's not already done, too much work, for limited access. I only mentioned it, in case there is no other place available.
Anyone else want to get together and shoot, maybe middle of June? Once we have enough committed shooters, then we can see about a centrally located place.
Thanks for reminding me about the use of your brother’s property. I have a tendency to get a little ahead of myself. :o Is it, or any part of it, for sale? Oops, there I go again!
Ok, is anyone else interested, or is this going to die out. :0 We could write down on a seperate piece of paper, each gun that will be there, do the same for the diff targets. Draw your weapon, then draw your target and take 2 shots. That would make things very interesting and alot of fun. :) How bout it guys, who wants to shoot?
Mike, me for sure but you already know that. :p
You have to keep at em' Mike . Gene , Jon ( I think) and I plan on getting together in early summer, possibly mid-June and do some shooting at Gene's place . As far as getting a large group to commit , best of luck. Folks just won't travel , and with gas so high , I can understand . kirby
I am definitely willing to travel,I need to get away from all the stress for a few days.........Of course I need to make sure my moms situation is stable enough where I wouldn't be needed for those days..........aside from that I will drive or fly,it would be great to meet some of the names from GTA..........Let me know what you need me to do..............
Date, place and time? Would really like to participate, but with my schedule, I must plan well ahead, sorry. June 21 weekend - Father's day is probably out. June 28 weekend is not possible for me. Would consider a 2-3 hour driving radius from Columbia SC the max for a 1-day shoot. Suspect unless you post definite date(s) and location, others will have similar issues.
I would love to host a fun shoot..:) I have plenty of room out back. Only problem would be the big bores and I hate to say no to J..:) He was kind enough to let us all come to his place last year and shoot but he kinda lives outside the city a ways..:) You can shoot cannons out there.. hehe
But on a serious note, I do not have a problem hosting a shoot. There is plenty of parking and lots of room to shoot..:)
So, who can make it and when? Looks like TEC is only available on the weekend of the 7th. I can give a ride to anyone between here and there.