OK. Here we go! (Didn't the Joker say that in Dark Knight?) Anyway, I've removed the rear shimming to perform a pure comparative barrel test to determine if the barrel fit(s) actually did produce the same POI when I switched from one to the other. I've attached an image of my results.Very impressive. But as you can see, there is a bit of a problem. I'm using the Accushot high-mount unit with the CenterPoint 4x16x40mm scope. I'm open to suggestions. What's the science behind making the proper adjustment? Expert replies only (implying that anyone who hits targets at 10 meters or further out is an Expert).
Note: the .22 grouping is on the left-hand side of the hole, the .177 is on the right side. I think you can see where they are separate. I put five shots through each barrel for this test. The .22 pellet was the Crosman Magnum Domed hunting pellet. The .177 pellet was the Beeman coated hollow-point. I think this relatively tight grouping from barrel to barrel was too much to hope for, but there it is. Again, using my cell phone camera. The right side looks a bit squared off because I tried to make the paper lay flat, and that took some of the "roundness" out of the .177 holes. The low shot on the left in the image is a .22 shot that sort of got away from me due to a too-relaxed hold. The 1073/RS2 seems to like a tight hold.
update edit: I'm back to shimming. That's the best possible way out of this without buying height-adjustable mounts