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Politics And Religion Discussion / Re: Islamization of Europe
« Last post by lil'feeby on June 22, 2010, 04:16:51 AM »
This guy is a very misinformed much more to say that i can't even type it all.....
Airgun Gate / RE: riddle solved
« Last post by ezman604 on June 22, 2010, 03:24:28 AM »

Darryl, thanks for the explanation of the photo. Sorry, I'm just a curious old guy. LOL

And good deal on hopefully finding the creeping shot issue.Cleaning and applying loctite should take care of the problem. Let us know.

Airgun Gate / RE: riddle solved
« Last post by darryl on June 22, 2010, 03:17:27 AM »
You won't believe it but that sticker is just attached to a piece of 8x11 white paper from my printer (works well- just place sticker on paper, place paper on thick wooden back stop). The problem comes in that I was using the camera on my little Motorola cell phone. I had to take the paper off and hold it up against
a door just to get the camera to see it in adequate light. Apparently the camera sees things a little different from you or I. How it saw a green background is beyond me. It's white paper, like I said. I don't have a digital camera. I do have a Canon FT SLR datnig back to 1969, as well as a Yashica 635 box/portrait camera from the same era.  :) Sorry for the confusion.

Guess what? My scope loosened up. My POI started creeping, and I suspected the scope right away. I cleaned all parts in alcohol before applying Loctite #242, and let it sit for 12 hours, but in the end I found a ring screw that seemed too easy to turn. :0 It is now with a spirit of adventure that I start over with mounting the scope. May the ghost of Shotgun Gibbs guide my hands.
Crosman-Benjamin Gate / Re: New benji Super Streak?
« Last post by ezman604 on June 22, 2010, 02:52:54 AM »
I don't have a micrometer but the factory spring measures 13-5/16" in length, 44 coils, 13/16" OD and approximately 1/2" ID. Hope this helps.
Crosman-Benjamin Gate / Re: New benji Super Streak?
« Last post by Jonnyreb on June 22, 2010, 02:17:15 AM »
Yup... that scope will hold.  Just thought i'd ask before you have to tear her down. Good luck!  J
Airgun Gate / RE: Spring guide and top hat?
« Last post by bobbyjim on June 22, 2010, 02:15:25 AM »
I always see that materials used for a top hat are Delrin, brass & steel. What about 6061 aluminum? Seems that should work also. Like to see some opinions on aluminum.
Airgun Gate / Re: Spring guide and top hat?
« Last post by donderkop on June 21, 2010, 09:41:19 PM »
Thanks for the above mentioned. Does your answer implies that lighter materials like delrin will give lower velocities?  Also if the piston head [in a BSA Meteor MkV] were to be made of delrin, thus a lighter piston, will we have lower velocities?
Classified / FS Paul Watts Tuned R7 pacakge $599 shipped
« Last post by rlricardolopez on June 21, 2010, 08:54:22 PM »
I absolutely love this springer, but my trip to Mexico has been canceled sad.gif and I will seldom ever use this gun here in the states so I am better off selling it to someone who will use it. This R7 has a PW full advanced tune, setback trigger (brass), and a matte barrel shroud. The barrel was not cut crowned and re-choked because, according to the original owner, Paul advised him that it would be better left alone because it was shooting very well. This rifle is very smooth and accurate and looks new and is in excellent condition. The original owner bought it new and sent it to Paul for an advanced tune. Here is his posting.

I bought it planning to go to Mexico and have only had it for a couple of days.

I am selling this as a package deal only. It will come with a leapers bug buster 4x-32 scope, beeman 5030m mounts(no pin at bottom) and 4 tins (2 new 2 slightly used) of ammo. I mostly used the RWS 10 Match pellets about 60 pellets, and about 15 for hunting shots of the JSB Match Exact Diablo 8.4g. The other 2 new tins are a JSB Match Exact Diablo 8.4g and a JSB Match Exact Diablo RS 7.3g

I am asking for $599 OBO for the full package shipped. Payment by MO.

Will negotiate. E-mail Note, the scope shown is not the scope included.
« Last post by VINNY on June 21, 2010, 08:22:05 PM »
get on line!!!!!!!! I haven't been able to log on for almost a month! I go to work early and read the GTA, but couldn't log on I MISS YOU GUYS AND GALS! I got 3 new airguns in that time. Crosman 800s-.22 Winchester 1000SB-.177, and the Hammerli X2.  The 800x and 1000sb are hard hitters and accurate out of the box. I havent shot the X2 much yet, but so far I like it a lot. I didn't have to adjust anything onthe 1000SB, just found the pellets it likes -cphp, and am consitantly nailing shotgun shells at 12 yards off hand. I cant shoot much further than that in my yard. It is not a pretty gun, but it does what it's made to do very well.The 800X is becoming one of my favorites pretty quickly.
Back Room / Re: stroke
« Last post by VINNY on June 21, 2010, 08:00:44 PM »
Get better soon!
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