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Crosman-Benjamin Gate / Re: New benji Super Streak?
« Last post by shaft on June 21, 2010, 07:57:56 PM »
Do any of you guys know the dimensions of the crossman SS spring. (B-22-00-7) Length,  I/D, O/D-- Crossman parts are so cheap I use them in other guns when they fit.
KH from UT
Hunting Gate / Re: Chipper with bow
« Last post by Dust on June 21, 2010, 07:53:08 PM »
Even if you missed everything important, he couldn't run very far with a 2.5 ft stick in him.
Airgun Gate / Re: 55 yard paint ball kills!
« Last post by michael90t on June 21, 2010, 07:44:18 PM »
paintballs at 55 yards is damned impressive from both the gun AND the dummy behind the gun!!! :) EXCELENT SHOOTING MAN!!!!
Airgun Gate / Ever had a weird POI change?
« Last post by atchman2 on June 21, 2010, 07:39:29 PM »
My RWS 350 will sometimes just change POIs.  It shoots just fine and then the next day it is off by a lot.  I don't know what may be causing the issue.  

I can adjust it pretty quick and get it back to its usual tight grouped self.  The way it is cocking the spring may be starting to give way.  It sometimes has a "hitch" when I cock the rifle.  Meaning it is smooth then kinda catches.  

My TF 89 is just the opposite!  I can shoot it almost anytime and it hits the same.  It has a home lube tune though and the RWS 350 hasn't ever had any work done on it.  Should I just go ahead and order a new spring for the 350 while I'm ordering one for my Whisper?
Airgun Gate / Re: 55 yard paint ball kills!
« Last post by jay morgan on June 21, 2010, 07:39:20 PM »
That is some fine shooting by both (gun & you)most would find that hard with a good .22 even,sound's like a winning tune up!!!
Crosman-Benjamin Gate / Re: New benji Super Streak?
« Last post by jay morgan on June 21, 2010, 07:16:08 PM »
Thank's for head's up on that,I think I'll call tomorow an get it done for sure.One more ? an I will not bug you any longer(think ya heard that before LOL) did you use a spanner or what to unscrew that cap(saw one for sell on here with seal an a CDT trigger to boot) or did you use something else?
Crosman-Benjamin Gate / Re: New benji Super Streak?
« Last post by jay morgan on June 21, 2010, 07:04:49 PM »
Yeah jonnyreb it is a major shaker for sure!!!I'd have to rate recoil( jump really) some where around the 22-250 rem. powder burner,not bad but you do notice it after awhile.The benji SS come's with the centerpoint 4x16 on it already(I still have to retighten lock down's every 10 shot's), I had gotten one for my whisper an used it to make sure it was not the scope causeing my so so acc.,it was shooting great on whisper ,but even the change over an still a couple of stacker's then flyer's then back tight again,Im almost sure seal is shot like most from factory(acting same as whisper did before tune on it),But hey I'm sure with a tune it will be a different animal altogether,I HOPE!!!!!
Hunting Gate / Re: Another strawberry sheister bites the bullet
« Last post by ShadowShot on June 21, 2010, 06:43:50 PM »
Nice, er, uh, head shot.
Gamo Gate / Carbine Sport?
« Last post by Jonnyreb on June 21, 2010, 06:21:30 PM »
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone can give me a report on their carbine gamo. I'm thinking off sending one to my dad for helping with his english sparrow and starling population. The Cros. G-1 i sent him is perfect for his squirrels but is to powerful and loud(he says) for everyday shooting at the pest birds. He has neighbors and wants to keep things on the lowdown. I found a carbine sport at a great price, leftover stock, and saw it was in the R-7 range of power. 700ish feet a sec in .177.  I was wondering if the trigger is upgradable, if it is quieter than the average gamo(it has a steel barrel rather that the sleeved plastic kind) and if it would be a good gun for the task at hand? Also is it upgradable to the nitro ram? Thanks for any info .. J
Back Room / Re: Took my wife & kids to the Airshow Yesterday
« Last post by SDale on June 21, 2010, 06:15:25 PM »
Yup! That'd be the place Dano! The Angels haven't flown out of Moffeit since they Decommed the base and turned it over to NASA. I try to make it across the bay to San Francisco every year for Fleet Week and watch them fly.

Yes sir, that is a Marine Corps SH-60. My daughter said it was her favorite 'cause it looks like a big tadpole!

The noise wasn't too bad. The show was 99% heli's. We got some noise when the C5 did a slow 'n low. And an ear knocker when the Harriers buzzed the flight line.

We were planning on going back on Sunday to watch the military birds take off. But we ended up seeing most of them fly over sitting in the back yard. My wife is still amazed at how military aircraft sound so much different than the civilian stuff.

Talk about a shipboard airshow... On my second boat, we we out in the gulf steaming to Bahrain and during an UNREP I watch a sqadron of Super Hornets do touch and gos and fast break aways. A couple looooooow supersonic passes too. That was a sight to behold!!
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