« Last post by jay morgan on June 21, 2010, 07:04:49 PM »
Yeah jonnyreb it is a major shaker for sure!!!I'd have to rate recoil( jump really) some where around the 22-250 rem. powder burner,not bad but you do notice it after awhile.The benji SS come's with the centerpoint 4x16 on it already(I still have to retighten lock down's every 10 shot's), I had gotten one for my whisper an used it to make sure it was not the scope causeing my so so acc.,it was shooting great on whisper ,but even the change over an still a couple of stacker's then flyer's then back tight again,Im almost sure seal is shot like most from factory(acting same as whisper did before tune on it),But hey I'm sure with a tune it will be a different animal altogether,I HOPE!!!!!