hello there again
you may remember me from the "serious problem with my rws 34 panther".
a few weeks ago i've got a moly paste, opened the gun for a second time and relubed everything with the moly.
this time around i'll be more cautious with making final conclusions, but i have not seen any trace of smoke or odor since then (shoot around 100 to 200 shots). but like i've said, i'll wait a bit to see if it is really fixed. but i'm enjoying shooting with it, it's still incredibly accurate...i can hit a 10x20cm can consistently from 70m off hand with iron sights. haven't done an actual accuracy test yet at 10m sorry.

but i think it's less than 3/4".
awesome rifle!
so now to the other idea....i know you're probably gonna hate me for this, but seems really cool

i've been reading on wiki
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caseless_ammunitionand i've came across
One of the first caseless firearm and ammunition systems produced was actually made by Daisy, the airgun maker, in 1968. The V/L Rifle used a .22 caliber (5.5 mm) low powered caseless round with no primer. The rifle was basically a spring-piston air rifle, but when used with the V/L ammunition the energy from the compression of the piston heated the air behind the caseless cartridge enough to ignite the propellant, and this generated the bulk of the energy of firing. The V/L system was discontinued in 1969 after the BATF ruled that it was not an airgun, but a firearm, which Daisy was not licensed to produce.
and i was like "O *_*_*_*_*_*"...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daisy_Outdoor_Products (end of page)
so it got me thinking...here comes the stupid part.
i'd buy a used let's say Gamo shadow or some even lower model in .22 caliber. get some TS gamo pellets...why TS because they are heavy and i've seen the have a large and a really hollow skirt. and finally buy some blank ammunition, take the propellant out and glue the stuff in the skirt of the pellet.
i'n theory it would be cool to achieve the 1200fps (300m/s) with .22 cal. thing is i'm not sure if the relatively small amount of propellant would be able to assist the compressed air to reach those velocities.
i realize that making intentional "dieseling" will destroy the spring and seal. but being a gamo and having a official retailer near me i don't see that as too much as a problem...except maybe if the spring or seal wont even last 100 shots. i presume the barrel would need to be cleaned like a regular firearm, do you see the possibility of damaging other parts of the gun?
and another idea would also be to get a gamo whisperer with the gas ram, which i think would probably nullify the spring problem.
i know this deviates from the term air gun. but i'd be doing this just for kicks that anything else...since Daisy did it, maybe it's not such an impossible idea after all.
the problems i see now are:
i don't have a chrony,
a used air rifle...well i have the money to buy one...but' i'd really hate if it would turn out useless and wasted money,
i'm not sure what glue or compound should be used for fixing the gunpowder, probably something that does not leave any residue after the burn that might clog up the barrel.
now you can freely burn me as a heretic