Author Topic: Do you pick your pellets?  (Read 2743 times)

Offline Viper

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Do you pick your pellets?
« on: January 28, 2009, 01:29:02 AM »
I've just started to target shoot...daily when I can. I try to shoot standing, then from a bag. I usually shoot 20 shots and of those 20 (whether supported or not) 1-2 go way off target. Seems to me maybe one or two pellets might be "bad". Do any of your guys hand pick your pellets..weigh them etc for target shooting?

Gamo VIper
Leapers 3/9x40
dirty bird targets
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Gamo Viper W/Leapers 3-9X40, GTR III, soundproofed stock. Need Turbo-Tune:(

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: Do you pick your pellets?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2009, 01:11:53 PM »

When I shot in competition John, I would weigh pellets, check skirts, measure the pellets, etc. And with all that work, if YOU or Idon't do your part,we will have fliers!

The most important factor in any sport is focus ! If you loose your focus for 1/10000th of a second, you or I, can miss the whole darn target. If you listen to some talking, thinking about the last shot fired, your outta there.

Now the use of very good quality pellets will let you know what You and I are doing wrong, when you use top quality, you can see what is going wrong :-)

You must focus on your breathing, your stability, the alignment of your sights to the target, squeezing of the trigger as it is on the target, when the gun fires, and holding your follow through. And doing all this is very hard to do ! But as I say, If you really want it, you have to do it all!

I hope this helps, and as an old master shooter told me many years ago, "it's a poor shooter, that blames his equipment"

P.S. Today if the pellet looks OK, I shoot it, and sometimes I get a 10 ! and if not, I blame myself :(

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Offline Viper

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Re: Do you pick your pellets?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2009, 01:19:53 PM »
Yep. That's exactly what I was driving at. If I hand pick the pellets, I've at least narowed the possible errors to me and the gun (in that order!).
I think government is a necessary evil, like, say, motion-picture agents.
- John Wayne

Gamo Viper W/Leapers 3-9X40, GTR III, soundproofed stock. Need Turbo-Tune:(