Author Topic: My Springer Pistolas  (Read 31852 times)

Offline daveshoot

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My Springer Pistolas
« on: January 25, 2009, 09:44:58 AM »

RWS9N (Cometa Indian)

P5 Magnum (RWS5G)

IZH53 Baikal the obligatory 1377 even though it's not a springer.

For my money, the most accurate is the RWS9N/Cometa. What a wonderful little gun, although there is no practical way to scope it. I shoot 10m bottle caps with it. I need some competition discipline to see if it's as good as I think it is.

Thanks Gene for the new forum!

Steroid Sheridan rocker, Daisy 990, SS1000, B26-2, QB-57, Crosman 150 (TW), Crosman 1377 x 2,  RWS5G, MP513, IZH53, RWS9N/Cometa, MP661k Drozd, Walther Falcon Hunter, RWS 34 Panther, XS-B3-1, Cummins B3s, RWS94 Cometa x 2, RWS48, Beeman R7, Daisy Avanti 853, RWS92 Cometa 220, Beeman P3, IZH-46M x 2, Daisy Avanti 747, Diana 24, B5-10, BSA Lightning .22, Crosman Marauder #39 .22, Crosman 1322 Phase 1, Diana Model 20, HW70, Shin Sung Dragon Slayer .50, Haenel Model 26, Slavia 620, HW45/.177

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: My Springer Pistolas
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2009, 04:59:41 AM »

Very Nice group of babies their Dave,

You have me turning a little GREENER ! I look forward to seeing some picts of that RWS9N !

Good Shooting.


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Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline daveshoot

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RE: My Springer Pistolas
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2009, 04:09:08 PM »

Here it is, my favorite little springer pistol. This is Cometa Indian, imported into the USA as RWS9N (for Nickel) or RWS9B (for Blued). Pics are poorer than usual, sorry.

The loading procedure has been described as "quirky" but I am used to it. You can see from the cocking procedure that there is no hope for scoping this baby, but that's OK. I did shim the rear sight to get adequate elevation adjustment with a bit of film, but no other mods. Some other time we can get more specific about groups and velocities, although it was in the mid to upper 400s with standard lead.

A hefty, but not heavy, pistol that has less felt recoil than the P5 mag. Very stable shooter.

And this is cool... I don't read much Spanish, but scroll down for the Xrays of the internals during cocking! Hope they wore the lead underwear to take these pix!

Steroid Sheridan rocker, Daisy 990, SS1000, B26-2, QB-57, Crosman 150 (TW), Crosman 1377 x 2,  RWS5G, MP513, IZH53, RWS9N/Cometa, MP661k Drozd, Walther Falcon Hunter, RWS 34 Panther, XS-B3-1, Cummins B3s, RWS94 Cometa x 2, RWS48, Beeman R7, Daisy Avanti 853, RWS92 Cometa 220, Beeman P3, IZH-46M x 2, Daisy Avanti 747, Diana 24, B5-10, BSA Lightning .22, Crosman Marauder #39 .22, Crosman 1322 Phase 1, Diana Model 20, HW70, Shin Sung Dragon Slayer .50, Haenel Model 26, Slavia 620, HW45/.177

Offline daveshoot

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« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2009, 01:11:01 AM »

Couple more pics.

There is a bit much gap between the loading piston, and the port or "tray" that the pellet slides on. Can't think of much else to complain about.

Steroid Sheridan rocker, Daisy 990, SS1000, B26-2, QB-57, Crosman 150 (TW), Crosman 1377 x 2,  RWS5G, MP513, IZH53, RWS9N/Cometa, MP661k Drozd, Walther Falcon Hunter, RWS 34 Panther, XS-B3-1, Cummins B3s, RWS94 Cometa x 2, RWS48, Beeman R7, Daisy Avanti 853, RWS92 Cometa 220, Beeman P3, IZH-46M x 2, Daisy Avanti 747, Diana 24, B5-10, BSA Lightning .22, Crosman Marauder #39 .22, Crosman 1322 Phase 1, Diana Model 20, HW70, Shin Sung Dragon Slayer .50, Haenel Model 26, Slavia 620, HW45/.177

Offline cole5169

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My springer pistols
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2009, 04:07:33 AM »
I've got a Cometa Indian in nickel too :)
Lovely little gun.  Great fun, and looks awesome, too!  Mine eats Gamo Match wadcutters like candy.  I'm only "plinking accurate" with it.

My tack-driving springer has got to be the IZH 53M.  I (for some reason) didn't get the target grips when mine came, but all the same, it's a very lethal target springer.  Great barrel, nice sights.  Ugly as a mud hut, and bigger than hell, but it sure tears paper. :)  I wish I could find the grips somewhere...  Heck, the gun is only $50, maybe I should just roll the dice and order another one.

I also shoot a Webley Tempest .177, my first ever buy off of an online forum.  Love it, though I've been shooting it for over 10 years and still learning from it.

That's it for the lead slingers.