Author Topic: Dug up more fun stuff to shoot!  (Read 4804 times)

Offline ronbeaux

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Dug up more fun stuff to shoot!
« on: January 31, 2009, 06:58:51 AM »
I thought to myself this morning, "Didn't I used to have some field targets laying around?" So out to the garage/junk storage center I went. And there they were! Right where I left them 10 years ago.

These were custom made by a shop teacher here in my area YEARS ago. We used them in Field Target Comps placed from 10 to 50 yards away.

Mister Prairie Dog has seen better day but is an easy one up close. You have to shoot cleanly through the hole in order for it to fall. Comps are limited to 20 ft/lbs so you won't damage the targets.

El-Roacho here usually got placed between 15 and 30yrds

And last. The BAD AZZ RED BUG. There is a story behind this one. We had guys come over from California to shoot with us in Texas in 1995. One poor guy sat in a red bug nest and got covered with them, ending up going to the Emergency room that night for a Benadrill shot. They don't have red bugs in California so he says. My Daughter sketched it up and my buddy made it for me. From then on, EVERYBODY wanted to KILL the BAD AZZ RED BUG! We would put it at 15 yards to make it easy.

So it looks like I got another work bench project restoring these. They reset with a string you run back to your shooting position so no walking down range after every shot.

Now where did I put my paint???

Oh yeah. None of those misses were mine!

Offline DanoInTx

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Re: Dug up more fun stuff to shoot!
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2009, 07:11:54 AM »
Bet those will be just fine with a little TLC, good deal!  Reactive targets are one of my favorite things to shoot, although I like paper targets as well.  My personal favorite is little plastic Army men and frozen paintballs on toothpics, although the paintball gets a little messy.  I bought a couple big old bags of the green plastic guys at the dollar store for, you guessed it, a dollar a bag.  My youngest son soon saw my collection of green plastic Army men and decided to take ownership of them.  Now I had only shot maybe a dozen of them, and the ones I shot were still out in the yard "somewhere", but everytime my son finds one that is mis-molded or whatever he says,"Dad, why did you shoot this one?".  I think he thinks I have a serious personal issue with the little plastic dudes, but in reality they are just a good size to plink at.  Wow, can I go off on a tangent or what?  Haha, nice find!

Current shooters: Beeman HW97K .177 with Hawke Eclipse 4x16x50SFAO and Steve C. stock, Beeman R9 .177 with Hawke Airmax 4-12x40AO and Gene\'s Midas touch, Air Arms S200 with Bushnell Banner 6x24x40AO Rowan brass bling and Steve C. custom stock, BAM B25, BAM B40 .177 with BSA 3x12x44AO, Benjamin Marauder .22, Benjamin 397 pumper.

\"repeat this mantra:
Air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzzz!!!  ...You will feel better\" T.E.C.2008

Offline Dave1899

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RE: Dug up more fun stuff to shoot!
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2009, 08:43:53 AM »

Man, those are great! I've never shot reactive targets with an air gun but I do love she sound they make with my powder burners



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RE: Dug up more fun stuff to shoot!
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2009, 02:54:14 AM »
I rember mr. prairy dog..    I think Mrs. Quest remembers him also..  She took her first airgun shot at him... and nailed him 1st try...  If i am correct he was sitting on that same diving board when she did it...
 The addiction:
 BSA Lonestar .22 ATN Nightvision scope TKO break.
 BSA Scorpion .177 T-10 Tactical Bullbarrel Syn. stock.. TKO break
 Air Arms S400FAC .22 Custom Camo\'d stock.. By  Shadow..extra walnut stock...
 Air Arms TX200 .22 Walnut stock...
 B-20 .177 Custom camo\'d by Shadow...
 B-20 .20 ...
 B-20 .22 Custom camo\'d by Shadow...
 RWS 48 .20...
 rws 36 .20...
 Mountian Air custom .25 pcp pistol... TKO break
 Crosman 2400 18\" .22 pistol TKO break...
 Webley Tempest .22 pitol...
 Crosman 2240 .22 pistol...
 Gamo whisper .22 Wooden stock...
 Gamo CFX royal .22
 Fast deer .177 custom stock...
 Beeman GT600 .177...
 Benjamin Sheridan C-9 Blue Streak . 20 1968 model...
 Benjamin sheridan c-9 silver streak . 20

Offline Gene_SC

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Re: Dug up more fun stuff to shoot!
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2009, 03:43:39 AM »
Would, rabbits, squirrels, birds, ground hogs be concidered reactive targets?.......:)
THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

Gene\'s Tunz n Toyz
Springer Tunin

Offline daved

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Re: Dug up more fun stuff to shoot!
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2009, 09:57:27 AM »
Only if "roll over, play dead" qualifies as reactive :-)!  I've been using paint balls, but they're kind of messy in my shop.  So yesterday I picked up a bag of cheap Sweet Tart knock offs, just under 1/2" in dia.  Haven't shot any yet, but the smaller size should make them at least a little more challenging, and the mess can be swept up, instead of needing a mop ;-).  Later.


Offline shadow

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Re: Dug up more fun stuff to shoot!
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2009, 11:30:11 AM »
Dem some cool target's, that does look like a nasty bug to be sitting on lol. Ed
I airgun hunt therefore I am... };)  {SHADOWS Tunes & Camo}

Offline speedturtle

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RE: Dug up more fun stuff to shoot!
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2009, 05:01:47 AM »
Ron, care to show some pics of the back side of your reactive targets so I can find out how the resetting mechanism works? That would be a good project to work on later.

I also use the little army men and whatever small figurine toys that my kids have that they don't play with anymore and I just scatter them between 20 - 25 yards. Fun to shoot with! Now what I'm using as my targets are the plastic "poker chips" that you can buy for about $2 at wally world. It's about 2" in diameter and I drill a small hole at about 1/4" from the edge so I can hang them on a string or a rod. What makes it challenging is when the wind blows and reorients the chips from a full frontal to a semi side. When I ran out of these targets I go back to paper targets and that's it.

Time is not important, only lessons to be learned in life. :)

Offline kirby999

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I building a set
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2009, 07:04:55 AM »
One animal at a time. I bought my a Gamo squirrel today at Walmart for $19.97 and I already had a regular Gamo Squirrel target and two like this one for a total of 4 so far. I plan on ordering a set of face plates so all of them aren't squirrels. A friend of mine has 10 acres a little over an hour south of me and he's ageed to gelp me set up a hunter style course on his property . I need to get down there before it greens up and cut some lanes . I hope to have a least 10 Gamo's by the end of the year , I'm trying to remember to buy one a month . We'll also use some spinner targets , maybe a few spoons , who knows what we'll come up with . It'd be nice to just follow a traila and have a variety of targets to shoot at . We're thinking most shots will be off hand or maybe leaning against a tree , or kneeling , just like hunting . We're even thinking of having it 4X or maybe 6X limit on scopes or/and open sights , so the kill zones will be left big. kirby
\" Shooting PCP\'s; I sometimes miss that  unmistakable smell of a springer . \"

Offline Truman

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RE: I building a set
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2009, 07:07:13 AM »
This is also a good link on how to build one!
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