I've made some new paper targets that we can all use (if you want. Hehehe)
The first one is a Half-Inch Bulls Target with 1-inch square grids surrounding it. I mainly use it for sighting-in but later on I realized I can also use it to record data about my pellet drop or rise according to yardage distance (pellet trajectory).
Here is the link on my photobucket file:
http://s646.photobucket.com/albums/uu182/speedturtle810/?action=view¤t=HALF-INCHBULLSTARGETAREA.jpgThe next one is more like a modification of the previous "Gamo 5 target sheet". I tried to use the copy of the official 25 ft. Qualification Target Paper that I have (It came with my Crosman G-1 Extreme when I bought it) and modified it.
I kept the sizing as accurate as possible up to the 4th ring only so I can put 4 targets on a regular 8.5" x 11" letter paper. I used Adobe Photoshop CS3 software to design it and I have printed it on a Dell Color Printer so I can vouch for
the accuracy of the sizes.
I was thinking of taking 5 shots per target to make a total of 20 shots having a perfect score of 200 as the maximum score that can be achieved. Any shots outside the 4th ring is considered to have a score of 3.
Here is the link on my photobucket file:
http://s646.photobucket.com/albums/uu182/speedturtle810/?action=view¤t=FINAL4-TARGETSPRACTICEPAPER.jpgFeel free to use it if you want. It's free for all. GTA has given me a lot of help and infos to enjoy using my airgun and now it's my chance to give something in return.