Yuppems, wood, sheet metal, and machining, whatever you might do in your shop we discuss here. I like those early variant 1377's, I made a 1322 a couple months ago, but it was completely from new store bought stuff...and wood. Here's the one that used to be mine:

I also have a Walnut 2260 thumbhole stock in the making out in the garage, it should be done by the end of the week...end:) Will post some pics when I finish. There's also some pics of a "2360" I built my wife for Christmas in my album. I like making wood stuff for these things, I actually enjoy that as much as shooting them. It's great relaxation holding a chunk of wood, a dremel, some files and sandpaper and just imagining what you can come up with. I only get that same feeling from one other thing, a nice hardy chunk of sheet metal. Enjoy this "Gate", it's just starting out, but I'm thinking it's going to be a ton of fun! Keep it up, it looks great.