Author Topic: Sensitive? Question in full. Airgun politics aside...  (Read 5498 times)

Offline BumbleShot

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Sensitive? Question in full. Airgun politics aside...
« on: April 27, 2009, 01:43:35 PM »
Last Spring I bought a Quest 1000 on holiday in the Catskills.

The gun was impressive but had a number of issues.  It was my first springer, and was horrid out of the box.  It took us 2 hours to get the break-barrel to unlodge.  Once it was free, the rifle was louder than a .22LR.

I home tuned the Quest with the help of RichInMish.  For little cash, I got a 4 lube kit (moly, clear silicone, green and tar) and an orange resin trigger insert with an Allen screw.

I enjoyed breaking the rifle down, deburring and relubing is.  Polishing the trigger works, installing the trigger insert went well as well.  The rifle is now smooth, with an acceptable trigger.  Long slidy first stage with a slightly creepy second stage.  But a huge improvement to stock.  This is about when I heard of CDT and the GRT III trigger.

I was still a spend thrift and the 25 bucks seemed steep at the time for lubes and the insert.  (Since then I've spent over 1k on this illness!)

So I installed the resin insert, and shared the process on airgunadvice.  Someone there then PM'd me that it's important I epoxy the trigger mod in.  I havn't yet.  RIM didn't mention anything about gluing it in.  The Quest is with my friend who's 17 yo son is enjoying it a great deal.

I'm worried about the warning I received which did not explain why that insert may be dangerous, if at all.

I know this post may be stepping on toes, but I just need to know if that orange resin insert with a screw is safe.  Or if I really should epoxy it into the trigger group.

Airgun politics aside can anyone give me the truth about any issues with the RichInmsh insert?

Sorry if I'm stepping on toes, but I really need to know.

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Offline mackeralboy

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Re: Sensitive? Question in full. Airgun politics aside...
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2009, 02:21:43 PM »
Politics aside and for what it is worth,  I bought a used Gamo 1250 that Rich in Mich had tuned and rebarreled to .22cal. I loved the way that it shot as soon as I put the first pellet through it.  Very Smooth and accurate. Previously I had installed GRTIII triggers in my gamo Whisper and Crosman Quest 800. I couldn't believe how much better both of those guns shot after the trigger install. Even though Rich had done one of his trigger mods on the 1250 that I had bought, I switched out the trigger on it with a GRTIII and have had no regrets ever since. It now shoots even better.If Gamo was smart they would buy the licensing rights from Charlie and install them as standard on all of their guns.
Air Arms Prosport .22 cal
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Gamo 1250 .177 cal
Gamo 1250 .22 cal
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Theoben Eliminator .25 cal
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Offline Big_Bill

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RE: Sensitive? Question in full. Airgun politics aside...
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2009, 02:36:30 PM »
Hey Neil, I lucked out and came to the GTA when the GRT-III was introduced, and I went every where looking for a better Gamo trigger, well as you might guess, I bought the GRT-III, and it was better than I could have hoped ! Now to Rich, I have read that they are O.K. if epoxied to the trigger, but when they become loose, I have read that they can very erratic, some times O.K., sometimes bad to ???  I would put in a GRT-III, and never have to worry about it. After about three years, it has been consistent and true, now I have ventured into tuning it, and with Bob's excellent directions, have made my Great trigger into a Match- like trigger, and I have room to work on her yet !!! A little at a time. Personally, I wouldn't want that trigger insert in my gun, to may people have had problems, and I like to know what is going to happen when I go to shoot my bb gun !     ....Bill
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Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline Magnum

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RE: Sensitive? Question in full. Airgun politics aside...
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2009, 02:41:03 PM »
Neil, I have 2 GRT III trigger and they are better than perfect:) I have no clue on the other chioces out there ...other than if I was in doubt I would put safety first ,you can not unpull a trigger! I would suggest , install a GRT III, hope that helps, Tony.

Offline ShadowShot

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Re: Sensitive? Question in full. Airgun politics aside...
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2009, 02:44:59 PM »
I used a GRT III on a Gamo I had.
Best thing I did to the rifle until CDT tuned it also.
Please, treat yourself to perfection, go with the GRT.
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Offline BumbleShot

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Okay. So glue it in and forget it.
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2009, 02:45:15 PM »
I'm not interested in the Quest any longer.  I just want it to be safe.

Now I know why to glue it in, it stabilize the resin insert.

I'm not saying the GTR III isn't worth it, I just dont use this gun anymore, and the kid who is has been happy.  I just want it to be safe, and reasonably steady.  

Thanks for the info.  I'll glue that thing in next time I'm near the Quest!
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Offline HNT5

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RE: Sensitive? Question in full. Airgun politics aside...
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2009, 02:50:41 PM »
I would just e mail Rich and ask him directly. What was the warning about if you failed to epoxy the insert in? Maybe the advice you got about epoxying(?) it in is not really necessary. I would follow Rich's guidance, then if you're still unsure you can always swap it out later. Unless the epoxy prevents that. :0 .. If it's not needed then just continue to shoot and enjoy the gun.


Offline BumbleShot

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Contacted him. No glue needed. Just enjoy it.
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2009, 11:52:07 AM »
Aside for some unnecessary profanity and insults, that's all he said.

R9 .20; R7 .177; B40 .177; B26 .177; Tempest .177; HB .20; IZH 46m; BlueStreak

Offline RedFeather

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Re: Sensitive? Question in full. Airgun politics aside...
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2009, 08:08:40 AM »
Gee, enjoy my product, you *&%&^%!  Makes me want to run out and buy one.  You didn't say anything to PO him, did you?

Offline longislandhunter

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Re: Sensitive? Question in full. Airgun politics aside...
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2009, 08:18:36 AM »
Authors original question has been answered to his satisfaction.  

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