Well guyz and galz (I assume). My name is Tom/TAJ45, newbie to air stuff, been invited to the shoot at Tim's on John's Island by Tcups. We almost crossed paths when he needed some primers as my son lives in Columbia and we were heading that way from Beaufort. So, as shooters do, we got to chatting and Tommy spoke of an upcoming 3 day w/e blast. Tommy is vacationing on HHI so I invite him to the range I frequent etc and so forth. Not sure if he'll be able to get a kitchen pass for that Thurs night or not.
If it is OK with Tim, I will show up at Tommy's request as wife is going out of country on a mission trip so just me and the cats. Will only be day tripping as we have church Sun. Have an R9 for sale, blue lam stock, I will bring w/o sights (don't know where I stashed them when I mounted the scope) but they're around here somewhere. Now have an R1 iirc with a scope that'll get down to ag distances. Tommy said centerfire or rimfire is OK too so would like to bring some of that along IF OK with host.
Creds:? NRA Life ' 76, SC CCW instructor cert pending, BE shooter, BR shooter (kinda), IPSC shooter/instructor on occasion, NRA Pistol Instructor.........love to teach. Charleston Naval Shipyard official refugee, lived W of Ashley after Mt Pleasant and looked Hugo in the eye. Was a member of Palmetto Gun Club in Chas when living up there. I be just an all around good guy............big grin............like to have safe fun on the range.
Have 2350 posts on the Varminthunters.com board and less than 500 on Rimfire Central. Have never stiffed anyone on an internet sale but have been stiffed for several hundred $$ ONCE. Looking fwd to retirement once B. O. sends me enough stimulus but until then will continue machining metal to pay the bill$ and support more illegals..........

I realize this should probably go on the main forum..............will try to find my way over there but seems germaine to the John's Island shoot.