Author Topic: New filling tip for those Bulked main tube QB's  (Read 1904 times)

Offline SDale

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New filling tip for those Bulked main tube QB's
« on: November 14, 2009, 04:14:50 AM »
I was thinking about why the bulked QB78's get fewer shots than when they're running on carts. Then I got to thinking about when I used to play paintball and how we refilled cylinders and came up with an idea.

If you're filling with a PB tank, let it warm up to 70 degrees or so. Then just a little but before you go to fill the gun, frost the main tube with a can of Dust Off or other canned air held upside down. This should freeze the main tube pretty good and keep the liquid CO2 from flashing off so quick.

There's 3 packs of generic Dust Off at the dollar store. Pretty cheap.

If anyone decides try it, lemme know how it turns out!