Author Topic: 10 metre competition suitable air rifles for kids  (Read 4913 times)

Offline shooter169

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10 metre competition suitable air rifles for kids
« on: November 18, 2009, 10:17:01 PM »
My son is taking up air rifle shooting for 10 metre. I'm trying to buy one for him. I have shortlisted Daisy 953 & IZH Baikal 61. Can U help me deciede among the two?

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RE: 10 metre competition suitable air rifles for kids
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2009, 01:22:13 AM »
Welcome to the GTA:)  Both my boys liked the look of both guns maybe the Baikal had a slight edge for them :)  after talking we  went with the  Daisy more of a traditional target look / arm strap and felt this would help more with consistency in 10m shooting  etc..  it is used only on targets  so made more sense to us,  plus we can add to the butt to alter length of pull :) Both guns are very accurate:)  Tony.

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Re: 10 metre competition suitable air rifles for kids
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2009, 03:49:59 AM »
My son is 13yrs old. I'm not sure he's gonna treat his Guns with due respect. So I wanna check out with these cheaper ones. I have to teach him that. But he's good at shooting. Thank you for ur speedy response.

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Re: 10 metre competition suitable air rifles for kids
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2009, 05:37:13 AM »
If you are talking about 10m competition target shooting, I would take the Daisy 953.  For the following reasons
- It is an SSP, so there is no spring vibration, making it easier to shoot than the IZH-61, at least for me.
- It is heavier than the IZH-61.  Weight is good for target shooting, it dampens out the natural wobble.
- You can put target diopter sights (front and rear) on the 953.  The IZH you can only put rear diopter sights.  You are stuck with the front post sights, which is harder to shoot targets than aperture sights.  I tried to contact the US distributor of the IZH about replacement inserts for the front response from them.
- If he shoots sportster rifles in school/club, they would be shooting the similar 853 or 753.

- The stock trigger on the 953 is LOUSEY.  You MUST do the trigger mods, and even then the IZH61 trigger will be better by far.

Then do 3 things

#1 - order this booklet from the CMP.  It is only $2¬e1=¬e2=¬e3=¬e4=¬e5=&max=
The booklet covers maintenance of the rifle + the fix for #3 below

#2 -  Replace the sights with front and rear diopter sights.  Can't shoot matches w the stock sights, too difficult.  And if he is going to shoot in competition, might as well get a target sight.
This is one option, front and rear sights.  If Crossman has not changed mfg, these are the good Gamo sights, not the bad Chinese made sights.
The other option is to order the 853 or 753 rear sight and a front globe sight directly from Daisy.  Their spare parts prices are VERY reasonable, and will be less than the Crossman sights.  The 853 sights are not as good as the Gamo sights, but are much cheaper.
But first, look for the post by FATMAN.  He has worked on the 853 rear sight and has fixed the slop in the sights and can give you better info on this option.

#3 - Do the trigger mod.  The stock trigger is LOUSEY.  
The mods are in the booklet in #1 above.

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RE: 10 metre competition suitable air rifles for kids
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2009, 07:26:25 AM »
Hi Shooter169:  

If budget is of concern the 953 with the target sights is a good choice.  Pyramid had them for $72.95 and with a 10% discount its around $65 plus shipping.  Get the 853 sights from Daisy (call Customer Service).  They are cheap, I think around $25 for the set delivered and generally do just fine.  

The 753 sights are better but may not justify the extra money.  I use the 853 rear and the 753 front, but it requires that the 853 rear to be set very high in its adjustment range and if your example is not tight, or if subjected to rough handling it may flex and not hold up well.  For kids, I would probably stick with the 853 front and rear.

The big disadvantage of all of the Daisy single stroke pnuematics is that you have to break position to cock them in all but standing.  They do offer bulk CO2 versions (888 & 887) but they are a lot more expensive and you need to source bulk CO2.

Crosman offered the 2000 which uses standard CO2 cartridges but it's a lot more expensive as well.  There are other choices but all are considerably more expensive and until their interest and ability warrent it, the extra cost may not be justified.

I have far too much time on my hands.


PS The Pilkington trigger mod is almost a necessity if they are serious about target shooting.  You can get by with the stock trigger but the trigger mod will transform the 953 trigger to near match quality. Mine has a crisp predictable break with virtually no creep or overtravel.  A huge advantage in competition where every shot counts.